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No justifications its law otherwise would not be.


Even married in church to boot.



New York


If either applicant is under 14 years of age, a marriage license cannot be issued.


If either applicant is 14 or 15 years of age, such applicant(s) must present the written consent of both parents and a justice of the Supreme Court or a judge of the Family Court having jurisdiction over the town or city in which the application is made.



If either applicant is 16 or 17 years of age, such applicant(s) must present the written consent of both parents.



If both applicants are 18 years of age or older, no consents are required.

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You'd be hard pressed to find parents willing to sign away their 14 year old daughter to someone so much older. That's why this "trend" (thankfully) is never coming back.


I was with someone for 3 years who was 38 years older than me. We broke up recently due to his untreated depression. I obviously have no issues with age difference relationships but I do take issue to when someone is justifying dating a CHILD.


Agreed. And you don't need to dig up laws for that. In Muslim countries a 9 year old girl can marry, do YOU think it's appropriate?

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Well, I'm glad that those laws are in place. Very glad. I'm glad for age of consent laws.


I think you have some issues if you think it's okay for adults to molest children. wrapping "marriage" around it doesn't make it right.

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So the fact that you didn't use condoms explains why old men would like a 14 year old?



I hope moderators close this thread to be honest, too inappropriate to be left open. And if you really love your wife, I think you should put some recent pictures of her as your profile picture rather than pictures of her when she was 15, just saying.


I, too, think this thread should be closed. An age gap is one thing I am in one myself but to encourage relationships with minors isn't a good thing.


OP, that's great that your marriage has lasted as long as it has but to encourage gap relationships where the person is a minor is wrong. Depending on where you live it's also illegal.

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No I'm not in the USA. I believe the marriageable age in the country I'm in is 18 but can be 16 under VERY exceptional circumstances, if authorized by the law. It disturbs me that a country such as the USA allows people to marry as young as 14 even with parental consent.


How the marrying age can be below the age of consent is pretty strange to me.

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Blessed by parents and the honorable Norman Morse.


Boned on honeymoon night, Mexico rocked and volcano's blew.


Her parents were warped. How much money did you have to pay to get them to agree to give their daughter away to be molested.


Again, putting the word "marriage" on it doesn't change the fact that you're a child molester. Good job. The only difference between you and most child molesters is that you didn't get caught and you're not being raped in jail right now.

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See son our land is ruled by laws not personal opinions.


Take some growing lessons.


Uh huh.


And you should get some help for your obvious sexual attraction to CHILDREN.


I wish you didn't have kids with your wife because I fear that you'll molest them too as that's what you're into.

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I have daughter Police Officer amd Military police officer in Army.


OMG this is so funny literally.


Read up on star of fast and furious movie star fiance is Jasmine.


He is 34 and she 16.


Want more.

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I have daughter Police Officer amd Military police officer in Army.


OMG this is so funny literally.


Read up on star of fast and furious movie star fiance is Jasmine.


He is 34 and she 16.


Want more.


So what?! lol What is your point? We all know that such couples exist. But we do question the motives of people in them and the health of the relationship.


I suggest you take some courses in logic and statistics. It will benefit you for sure. I would suggest psychology too, but you could do that after you talk to a psychologist first.

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Now you trolling, sorry for what you lack simple comprehension.


Your opinions caqrry no weight, the law of the land carries all.


No, I think you're the one who is trolling, with your bad English and all.


My opinion is actually law here in the US, so yes, it carries weight. I don't believe anyone under the age of 18 should be with someone over 18. Here in the US, it's actually *illegal* to molest kids. Did you know that? It's true.

I hope we don't have you in our country. You obviously have issues and I would be worried for any children around you. Not only did you molest your child wife, you think it's FINE to do so. People like you are sick and dangerous.

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They are just like any other couple, perhaps more vibrant than the norm and healthly you have no concept.


No at 60 need no classes, and mind classes of soceity.


30 yrs ago god gave me a miracle and to this day cherish his gift.

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no, i think you're the one who is trolling, with your bad english and all.


My opinion is actually law here in the us, so yes, it carries weight. I don't believe anyone under the age of 18 should be with someone over 18. Here in the us, it's actually *illegal* to molest kids. Did you know that? It's true.

I hope we don't have you in our country. You obviously have issues and i would be worried for any children around you. Not only did you molest your child wife, you think it's fine to do so. People like you are sick and dangerous.


is personal troller opinion.


I posted the law read it then post.

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Under the age of 18 requires consent meaning they can't make the decision on their own. Their mom and dad have to give permission because they can't make big decisions on their own. They aren't mature enough to handle weighted decisions such as marriage, something to think about.

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is personal troller opinion.


I posted the law read it then post.


You posted the law and do you know what it said?




Clearly you can't read what you post.


Just because you can pay off mom and dad to agree for you to marry and molest their child (in SOME states) doesn't make it right.

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Sparkly eyes, out of interest what Muslim countries can a 9 year old girl marry according to the law?


Well, in islam, girls are considered adults after 9 years old. In saudi arabia for example, women can marry at that age.


"Yemen is full of child brides. Roughly half of Yemeni girls are married before 18, some as young as eight."[23] Until recently, Yemeni law set the minimum age for marriage at 15. But tribal customs and interpretations of Islam often trump the law. In practice, "Yemeni law allows girls of any age to wed, but it forbids sex with them until the indefinite time they’re 'suitable for sexual intercourse.'"[23] In 1999, the minimum marriage age of fifteen for women, rarely enforced, was abolished; the onset of puberty, interpreted by conservatives to be at the age of nine, was set as a requirement for consummation of marriage.[24]



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Its actually extremely sad. There are many cases of girls burning themselves for having been forced to be with old men at a very young age.

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Well, in islam, girls are considered adults after 9 years old. In saudi arabia for example, women can marry at that age.


Its actually extremely sad. There are many cases of girls burning themselves for having been forced to be with old men at a very young age.


Yeah it is, definitely.


Sorry to derail the thread.

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