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missed period - confusion


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I was wondering, when people say that missed periods could be a symptom of pregnancy, what actually happens? Does a girl have her period late and then have it normally every month thereafter? or does she have it late and no longer has her period till birth? thx for clearing this up.

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ah i see, if she is a few days late after an 'incident' (due to anxiety or stress) but then the next month she has her period, she would be considered not pregnant right? and what 'abnormal' circumstances would she have a period even though she is pregnant? thanks for the infromation

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A pregnant woman will not have a period at all. There can be a little bleeding the first month when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus but that is all. If a pregnant woman experiences bleeding that could be heavy enough to be a period that would be a sign of a miscarriage.

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A pregnant woman will not have a period at all. There can be a little bleeding the first month when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus but that is all. If a pregnant woman experiences bleeding that could be heavy enough to be a period that would be a sign of a miscarriage.


Not entirely true, my nanna's mum had her period the entire time she wasn pregnant. I'm not entirely sure how that's possible, but it did happen. Apparently there is an extremely rare possibility that it can happen.


Just my 2c anyway.

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