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So its been roughly 6 or 7 weeks of NC since my breakup, been doing pretty well id say. Ex texted me several times to which i never replied once. Kept saying how she never got over me, cant stop crying, etc. As a small background she cheated on me with a "friend" she knew for 3 months, while we were together 2 years, and kept denying it to the very last minute. So today im walking my dog with my little bro and his gf, and we get to talking about random things and somehow end on my Ex who wont leave me alone. So after all my suspicions and her denials, apparently she is officially bf/gf with this "friend" as soon as we broke up and they even have pics on FB kissing eachother, exchanging gifts, etc. So this was not much of a surprise as i already figured so much. What reallllly pisses me off now is this * * * * * , has the oddacity to keep texting me saying she wants to talk, she cant do this anymore, she cant sleep, etc all the meanwhile she has a BF. Why the HELL is she still texting me when she is so in love with this "friend" she left me for? I bet he doesnt even know shes texting me, just like he never knew she was in a relatonship with me the entire time. Really makes me want to message this "friend" and tell him just what a cumpulsive, lying, decietful, person she is. I was doing pretty well too, after hearing this i feel so angry i cant even describe it. Just proved to me that every single word she told me was a complete and utter lie all along. Saying how she wont see anyone for a very long time because she is still so attached to me, yet here she is with the same guy and having a grand time. Makes me want to finally reply back to her text and tell her to F Off! UGH! dont even know what to do with myself right now. I havent been this damn angry in a loooong time. I cant believe she is getting to me even now, just want to call and go off on her. I wont though, but my blood is boiling.

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I understand your anger, believe me I do. But the best thing you can do right now is take a deep breath, remember all of the work you have done separating yourself from her and go on with her life. The new guy will have his answer about her soon enough. You need to keep taking steps forward.

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This happened to me too. I know exactly how you feel. You'll be a bigger, stronger person if you just ride the wave and stick to your guns. The thing is though, I never looked at my ex's FB. I never will again for that matter. That's breaking NC to me. To me, its always better to know nothing about the life of my ex - that's what I've learned after years of dating a lying, deceitful, selfish, shallow person. That's what people who behave in such ways are. You're better off leaving it alone and never looking at her page again.

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I blocked and deleted every last thing about her i couldve, i have absolutely nothing to look at. It just came up in convo from my bros gf. She was the one who ended up mentioning everything to me. I have long since deleted and blocked her from seeing anything about me. I cant believe that she cheated on me with this * * * * * * * , lied to him about being with me, then lied to me about her being with him, now she is still texting me and my parents cuz she isnt over me yet she is seeing him. What a sick person, jesus christ. I cant believe she turned into such a disgusting monster, to say the least. I just called my provider and had her number blocked from texting and calling anyone in my family, i cant believe her. Using one perosn after another to make herself feel better. Seriously cant believe it. Was doing so well too, didnt think anything like this would even affect me anymore, guess i was wrong. I seriously feel like if i were to see her, id want to spit in her face and leave.

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Ok my bad, I thought you were saying you checked out the fb page. Good job on keeping all those impulses at bay. Well one thing is for sure, I also told all of our mutual friends that I want zero knowledge of my ex - even the most minute detail is enough for the imagination to run wild.

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I cant believe how badly that info got to me. I barely slept last night and i havent thought about her so much since we broke up. Now its all coming back and feels like day 1 I was finally starting to feel better too, cant believe what a set back it was. People say dont hate anyone, hate is a strong word, etc. I honestly HATE my ex right now. At first didnt mind her, then resented her, now i full out HATE her. Just the thought of what she did disgusts me to the point where i want to vomit. Its like she didnt get enough pleasure out of the pain she caused me so far, she needs to keep adding to it till i die from the emotional pain. Im now more and more considering sending some hate mail either directly or through someone. I know i shouldnt and i will resist, but i cant let this * * * * * get away with playing these stupid games. I just want to forget her for good and live my own life.

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