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Life On The Rocinante' (After Dark!)


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Can Aaron speak Norwegian by any chance?


No, not that I know of. WOuldn't surprise me much though. There's not much he can't do.


Did he say where he went to eat?


No... When he said he had to get some food I'm thinking he was probably going to be cooking it. He loves to cook and it was about dinner time when we were talking.

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Work let me off my leash for the day so I can go to the Ohio Renaissance Festival. Back to work tomorrow though, of course they weren;t going to let me have the whole weekend off.


This is an awesome festival... but it always has a bittersweet feeling for me because it marks the end of the season. I go to three or four of these a year and this is always the last one.

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It's been an interesting couple of days... I wish I had more time to write about them.


Friday night my Mom left me stranded alone at a restaurant for an hour with no money and no phone while she disappeared with my friend Jeremy. I don't know what all happened when they were gone but I know she gave him a blowjob.


The waitress and the bar tender inside the restaurant kept bugging me because they wanted their money. I can understand that, but they were getting annoying about it. I told them the first time they asked me that I had no idea where my Mom and Jeremy went. They asked me to pay the tab and I said I had no money and no debit card. The bar tender was like "Well, can you call someone to bring you some money then." I said I didn't have my phone. The bar tender said I could use their phone. I straight out said I'm not going to start calling people asking them to bring me money to pay my Mom's bar tab. I only drank two draft beers, so only like $6 of the $70 bar tab was mine anyway.


I did use their phone to try to call my Mom though, no answer.


And I really needed to get home and get my clothes and stuff ready for the Festival yesterday. I had been up since 4am for work and I was exhausted.


Then my Mom comes wandering back into the place and wants to know if I'm upset with her. I said I wasn't, but she's not that stupid. She knew I was.


So I got home at around 1am, had to be back up at 6 to get ready to go to the festival. So I was really dragging ass yesterday morning.


I got some good pics yesterday too. I'm so behind posting pics in my blog. I really need to get on it.


Aaron was texting me last night on the ride home. He's back in town now... He invited me over last night but It was really late when I got back home and I had to be up today for work.


I don't think Kitty and I are friends anymore... I don't know why but since the reformatory she hasn't been acting like herself around me and now she's not even returning any of my calls or anything. So I have no clue. Wonder what I did this time to piss her off.

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I'm sorry, Cynder. Are you talking about B?




Mica came back from Florida and was completely enraged that I was at their house while they were split up. So now he isn't "allowed" to be my friend anymore according to her.


Her and I talked last night and she is convinced something happened between him and I when they were split up. I kept insisting it didn't, but she kept calling me a liar.


So, if that's what she wants to believe there isn't much I can do. And if he isn't going to set her straight then that's his problem.


Yesterday at 5am when I was getting ready for work I started getting texts from him... I could tell right away that something was off. I thought maybe he was drunk at first, because he was making all these sexual comments and he normally doesn't do that. Then he said something like "What we did when she was in Florida was really hot wasn't it?" My first response was "Huh?" To which he replied "You know... when you came over and we messed around while she was in Florida?" I said "What are you talking about, we never messed around when she was in Florida. Are you drunk or something?" Then it occurred to me that it wasn't him, it was her trying to get me to admit to something. I called her on it. She said she was sorry for her deception but this was the only way to get the truth.


So... she got the truth, yet still insists that something happened while she was in Florida. I don't understand it... Maybe she's killed too many brain cells from the massive amount of drugs and alcohol she has consumed over the years, idk.


She was bombarding me with nasty texts all day yesterday while I was at work, and then she posted some snotty comments on my facebook wall, which I deleted.


Idk... there's a chance this will blow over, but I doubt it.


I don't understand why she is so upset at the possibility that something happened while they were split up, but they've been in an open relationship all this time. So anything that happened while they were still together was alright but not while they were split up? I don't really get it. But it's not my issue to figure out. I ended it with him anyway and we haven't even had sex since 4th of July weekend.


So, as it stands now, I've lost my best friend. I don't know how this situation will resolve itself or if it even will.

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Maybe... their relationship has been open for 20 years, I suppose she could have suddenlt nchanged her mind. She has always done more dating on the side then he has. She also slept with a couple people down in florida when they were split up, so maybe she is feeling guilty, idk. Nothing happened when they were split up. I ended it with him a while ago.

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So, I came home from work today and Church was laying in the middle of the floor dead. Church is my 14 year old Siamese cat, for those not in the know. She's more Adam's then mine... but I was just as attached to her.


I haven't buried her yet. I knew Adam would want to be here when I bury her.


I am dreading him coming home... I don't want to tell him. I thought about calling him on his lunch break, but I don't want him to have to deal with that at work.


Mica is still posting comments on my facebook... I delete them as soon as I see them. I sent her one message already telling her I am not going to go into this with her on my wall and asking her nicely to stop. If it continues I'll block her.

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Last night I posted on facebook that this was turning out to be a really crappy week because I lost my best friend and there was a death in the family. I didn't want to say who died because Adam was at work. He gets on Facebook on his phone and I didn't want him to have to find out about Church dying from a facebook post.


I debated on this post... I'm not the kind of person who pities herself a lot. In my eyes this isn't self pity, but other people could easily take it that way. After I posted it I considered deleting it.


But, I'm glad I didn't, because the response I got from other people made me feel so much better. Three of my female friends were right on it. Aimee said "I thought I was your best friend, lol." Then here comes Kitty and she was like "No Aimee, I"m her best friend." And then here comes Eric like "Uh, no you're both wrong, I've been her best friend for 15 years."


I then said "The title of Best Friend belongs to more then one person in my life. Unfortunately one is gone, but seeing you guys post like this makes me feel lucky to have more."


Then when I woke up this morning there were other comments from my friend Jen and from Aaron.


Mica made a few nasty comments on that post, but I deleted them. Wish it was that easy to get rid of nasty people in real life... There are a few people at work who's words I would love to just delete.


Adam didn't take Church's passing well at all. It was so sad... He cried and said "I told her she could go if she wanted to." And we buried her outside next to Vlad, Osky and Seattle. We have a little pet cemetery going in the side yard.


She was old. She lived a good life.

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I'm very sorry to hear about your cat Cynder.


So sad about your kitty, Cynder. That was a good old age for a cat. Mine is only two years younger, so I think about that a lot now. That must have been devastating for you guys.


Yea, it was... more for Adam then for me. He had her since she was a kitten. And Siamese cats are a one owner breed. She was more attached to Adam also. It's not that I wasn't crushed, but Adam tok it harder.


Our other two cats don't know what to do now. They are both wandering around the apartment like they are looking for her.


Tonight I'm finally going to get to Submit my work to the gallery downtown. It's hard since they are only open like three days a week.

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I went to the Gallery today... Unfortunately they close at 4 on Thursdays so I got there right when they were about to close. The two women working there were in such a rush to get rid of me. They wanted to see my work but kept pushing me to bring it up faster on my computer.


I just said at one point "Do you guys want me to leave? I can just email my submission if that would be better." They insisted it was fine, but continued to complain about how people always come in right when the gallery is closing.


Then the owner got there and she was completely the opposite. She loved my work and was really happy I stopped by. She was really impressed, especially when she found out my paintings are digital. So, I have two paintings in the show. Now I have to get them all printed up, matted and framed. This will be the first time any of my dry paintings will be in a gallery.


It was refreshing to see that someone was impressed by the fact that they were dry painted. Dry painting hasn't really gotten to the point of being considered a legitimate medium yet.


Today my Grandma told me my cousin John (who is transgendered) went to New York to have a sex change. My whole family is so outraged and appalled by this. I told my Grandma I support his decision. If that makes him happy then who is anyone to judge?


She told me he's been talking with a bunch of other trans people online from NYC and he is staying with some of them. The older generation of the family is upset with that too. My Grandma was saying you never know what kind of people you are going to find on the internet, etc. But I told her you run just as much risk of meeting a psycho in the grocery store. Dahmer, Gacey, BTK... they all found their victims in public places, not on the internet. And she was like "Yea, but with those type of people you don't know how mentally unstable they are."


My cousin says he will be back in a couple years. He also says if he can't go all the way through with this and have the surgery that he will kill himself.


I don't understand why my whole family is so disgusted with him, with my cousin Angela who's a lesbian, and with my cousin Marcia (also a lesbian) and the ones who know about my orientation are disgusted also. But my sister (who's a lesbian) is praised for her courage. I don't get it.


My sister is one of those out there lesbians too. She's the kind who will be out in public and loudly make sexual comments to other women.


After I left the Gallery I decided to stop in at this place downtown that has this awesome peanut butter pie. Thought I would treat myself, you know... But the pie really upset my stomach. That's what I get for thinking I'm entitled, lol.


I love this song... it's so powerful.


[video=youtube;fKCgV__C-Lw] _Yc4rBP6_&lf=list_related&playnext=2

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So, I came home from work today and Church was laying in the middle of the floor dead. Church is my 14 year old Siamese cat, for those not in the know. She's more Adam's then mine... but I was just as attached to her.


I haven't buried her yet. I knew Adam would want to be here when I bury her.


I am dreading him coming home... I don't want to tell him. I thought about calling him on his lunch break, but I don't want him to have to deal with that at work.


Mica is still posting comments on my facebook... I delete them as soon as I see them. I sent her one message already telling her I am not going to go into this with her on my wall and asking her nicely to stop. If it continues I'll block her.


Aww I am sorry Cynder. My Siamese died at the same age. I had him since he was 8 weeks old. They are so special arn't they? I just love Siamese cats.

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^^ Yeah they sure do!! My baby was soo soo unique and I just ADORED him. He was very ubber attached to me. He did not need anyone else. I was his world. When my son was born unfortunately my poor Siamese died of a broken heart. He just stopped living and no matter what I did for him he no longer cared and just hid under my bed. I made him homemade food and everything but he refused to interact and eat and do anything. I finally had to put him down. I was so so hurt. My husband had to chip out a grave for him in the winter. This Christmas my George will have been gone 14 years.

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Dry painting is when you take a blank white canvas in a program like photoshop or illustrator and paint digitally. I have my stuff online in a few places but I can't post links easily from my phone. I will post when I'm on my laptop.

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