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I was the 5th wheel last night at dinner

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My friends came in from Brazil for the weekend. After my business meeting I took them around NYC last night. A beautiful summer night in NY! 2 couples and myself. They stopped every 2 feet to kiss! What!!!! Where are you Liz!?!? You should be with me! Why was I the 5th wheel, I felt so Stupid, I couldn't believe it, they kept asking me what was wrong I told them each time you guys are making out and I am dying over here. I would walk 50 feet turn around and see they were 150 feet behind me. It was Horrible! I remember Robert Deniro in Heat, he was at dinner alone and a few friends asked him his deal, he saw his friends eating, kissing, enjoying and the camera panned on him, then after dinner he rushed to the girls house he was seeing. It was Hollywood love. I went home, alone, hugging the pillow that Liz used to rest her head on. I cannot believe how much that hurt, the triggers of love.

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They knew because she was friends with them through me. But they were just enjoying the summer nights of romance. I felt so out of place, I was walking like a lonely soul like I was 15 again. Ugh, it was terrible. It was absolutely miserable, walking I couldn't even strut, I was so low.

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That is pretty poor. I'm pretty cut up but actually I don't feel sad seeing strangers having a snog and what not. But the whole gooseberry thing? Yeah that's crap. It's like why is it, every time you break up, a wedding invitation from someone or other always mysteriously seems to land on your doormat. Man alive, there is nothing more depressing than attending a wedding on your own post breakup. Although, I'm probably looking at this all wrong - I'm thinking Wedding Crashers - I guess it is what you make of it


Nothing stopping you going out and doing something new that brings new, non-couple mates into your life though.

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Oh trust me, last night was pretty bad for me. I go out with my buddy and a coworker of his. I catch on fire, lose one of my favorite shirts (I should really sue the club for having candles in a crowded area) and I'm forced to drive them home while they make out. Awesome, just what I needed

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Oh trust me, last night was pretty bad for me. I go out with my buddy and a coworker of his. I catch on fire, lose one of my favorite shirts (I should really sue the club for having candles in a crowded area) and I'm forced to drive them home while they make out. Awesome, just what I needed


I guess a joke of "you were hot to trot" would be innapropriate? I'm sorry hon, it's not everyday I read that someone caught on fire.

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