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books about post break up


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hey there


any books that you might recommend for people with broken hearts and wants to move on. any books aboutself improvement are also higly appreciated...


and remember: NEVER give another person that much power over your happiness in life.

Peace out

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Rikiki the Dolphin Goes Out to Play by Christopher Amazon


Don't look it up: I'm only kidding, and this comes from the fact that I would rather recommend someone trying to recover to read something light-hearted than something serious. The plus side with these kids books and cartoon is that they often bear a mature message about keeping things simple you always win in life, and those are just miraculous mottos especially after going through a break up or a hard path. Playing is probably the most enthusiastic there is on earth and it's definitely going to help you work on self improvement, because there is no way you can improve until you regain your will to live life to its fullest.



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haha twelve thirty i will keep that in mind. And that goes for everything you do in light. never take things too seriously coz in the end everything that you experience will only be memories, life goes on XD



@ okidokie: thanks for the advice, i'll def look it up

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