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Where in Europe should I go?


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I have never crossed the Atlantic before, and I would like to take a trip to a European country at least once. The best time would probably be next summer after I've graduated and taken the national exam for my license. Once I start working, I might never have the opportunity to take a long holiday again.


Only dilemma is, where should I go? My parents have been to Italy, France, Germany and Greece. They said they loved Greece and Italy, and France is more of a place to go on honeymoon, but Dad didn't enjoy Germany. He said he and mom were discriminated against. (This does not reflect my own opinion, I'm just repeating what they said).


They're also afraid of me traveling alone. It sure didn't help when they saw the movie, "Taken." They want me to either go on a guided tour or go with my friends. But I kind of want to try traveling alone just once because then I could just do whatever I want whenever.


I'm thinking of seeing the castles in Scotland, or maybe going to a German-speaking country like Germany or Austria since I'm starting to learn some German (just bought a workbook). Or maybe somewhere more unusual...


Decisions, decisions.

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Switzerland and Greece would be my top pics. France can also be very nice and there are other places to go rather than Paris. What do you want out of the trip? Do you want to big in a big city or smaller area? Greece has beautiful architecture and great food. Plus they have lots of museums and historical landmarks to visit. Sounds boring to some, but if you go yourself and not with a guide, you can have your own adventure and really enjoy those things. When I went, I spent my entire stay exploring the islands, taking photos, and hunting down the best baklava.


Just let me know what you're into and I can certainly help you out

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What do I want out of the trip? Generally just an adventure, the excitement of being somewhere new and meeting new people. I would like to pick a place cooler than home, though. I like cold weather.


Are there any special events that take place in specific places during the summer? Maybe if the timing is right, I could see a festival or something.


Also, I know Americans are not the most popular travelers around. I may not want to go to a place where Americans are hated. Although I may cheat a bit by specifying that I'm from Hawai'i.

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Wow! Congrats! definitely follow this dream. I'm going in a couple weeks and I will see Amsterdam, France, and part of Belgium. Will be spending most of my time in Holland but that is cuz I have a friend there. I went to a travel agent that was EXCELLENT and gave me a book of different kinds of tours, hotel packages, and things like that. So I would start with your travel agent and an idea of where you want to go. The sooner you go in, the better because then they can keep you posted on any seat sales, vacation specials that come up. I thought it was very helpful for someone wanting to travel alone. I am lucky that I will have my own personal "tour guide" and a place to stay once I get there, trip of a lifetime!!

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What do I want out of the trip? Generally just an adventure, the excitement of being somewhere new and meeting new people. I would like to pick a place cooler than home, though. I like cold weather.


Are there any special events that take place in specific places during the summer? Maybe if the timing is right, I could see a festival or something.


Also, I know Americans are not the most popular travelers around. I may not want to go to a place where Americans are hated. Although I may cheat a bit by specifying that I'm from Hawai'i.


OK I can give you a bit of advice on what your looking for First if you want to meet new people you must stay in hostels! [link removed[/url] is is great for finding the cool ones, the party ones, and the chill ones. If you want to know specific ones in certain countries I name list a few that i enjoyed. You will met so many new people and they will not hold it against you that your American, though I admit it's hard not to at times when your in groups And you will have such an awesome time you will want to stay!


Cities you must check out I would have to say were Barcelona, Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna, Madrid, Helsinki, St Petersburg, Lisbon, and Budapest. If you have the money you would also do Ibiza, southern France once you get that European boy toy, Switzerland and Scandinavia but they will suck your money dry so quick like no other. London and Paris are must see's but to be honest they weren't my top highlights, but you have to do them.


Personally I'd avoid major cities in Romania, Serbia, most of Italy, Belgium & probably Poland. I can explain more if you want some details, I'm not saying you shouldn't experience them but I myself didn't fall in love with those places.


Plenty of festivals during summer, what are you into? If you like music you will be heaven. I can name some later on when I have more time. Into culture? Well there is plenty too. IF you want adventure I'd say go to Africa or South America (I personally love this area of the world) they offer more exotic experiences but you wont have trouble finding yourself in crazy situations in Europe.


Don't be afraid, stuff like the movie Taken does happen but as long as your smart and don't look like a total tourist or go around starting fights drunk there is very little danger. Worse case you will get pick pocketed or you will forget where your hostel is at 5AM in the morning. There are areas where you avoid in major cities once you get that local knowledge but it's like that everywhere, as a female it is pretty safe to travel alone.

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What were your experiences in Serbia, Romania, Italy, Belgium and Poland? I'm curious.


Africa sounds too hot for me. As for South America, maybe, since it's in the southern hemisphere, so summer is actually the cooler time of the year.


I'm not the one afraid of traveling alone, my parents are


Hmmm, Helsinki and Budapest. I'm curious of what I could see there...

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What were your experiences in Serbia, Romania, Italy, Belgium and Poland? I'm curious.


Hey I'll address this first then get onto the others.


Romania, well I found it dirty , run down and generally the people were not as welcoming and probably worst of all gypsies. Country side is amazing if you like getting off the beaten track, it's like going back in time. Serbia is just dull and boring, nothing to see so i didn't spend long. Italy full of garbage, and crime where so many friends had something stolen and the general attitude of Italians was pretty rude. Food was amazing though I have to say. Belgium is great for a day or two or when they hold that awesome electronic music festival in Ghent, but basically beer and chocolate is pretty much all there is to it. Poland is OK if you like cheap vodka and something else I can't mention here but the place made me feel depressed, I guess going to concentration camps didn't help but their are some poles I drank with, that are pretty cool people.


[link removed[/url], [link removed are both great resources if you want to learn more of yourself.

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I've been to Germany twice and I've loved it both times. However, if you're from the US, you might find that in some countries you are less liked than tourists from other places. Not that it's right, but it is something I noticed in the two times I've been to Europe. I think some bad American tourists + politics has caused it. Also, Germans can be quite reserved/formal when interacting with strangers which can come accross as rude or standoffish. But I've found if you make an effort to learn a few phrases in the local language of wherever you're staying, that goes a long way. I was 16 when I went to Paris the first time and found the locals rude. However, when I was there in Feb, I made an effort to learn a few French phrases and found the people friendly and helpful.


If I had to make a recommendation though, my favourite place I've been in Europe so far was London. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. While recommendations can be helpful to an extent, people's personalities and interests play a huge role in how much they enjoy the place. If you choose destinations that offer things that interest you, rather than just going to places you feel that you "should" visit, then you'll probably have a great holiday no matter which countries you choose. For every person who has hated a place, there's someone who loved it, so avoid putting too much weight into people's opinions.

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In Agust every year you can visit the Edinbugh Festival in Scotland. There is lots of theatre, comedy, music, things even on the streets apparently it is amazing...I really want to go one day. The city is said to be very beautiful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Italy, Greece, Austria (Vienna), Germany (Berlin or Munich), Croatia (gorgeous beaches), France, Monaco (Monte Carlo), England (London) it's okay but I wouldn't really vacation there, Switzerland, Poland would be okay but I don't think I'd spend more than a few days in Krakow, I wouldn't visit Russia unaccompanied, Serbia (Novi Sad is okay, otherwise nothing special) Bosnia (Mostar bridge, Sarajevo Bas Carsija is beautiful, Etno Selo) Montenegro (nice beaches). Truthfully, I would never get bored in Italy, Greece, Monaco or France. Spain is also nice.

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