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Exactly what should I make of our friendship?


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Okay. I've posted here before on a similar topic, but I still need more help. My best guy friend, X, and I have been fake-dating for a few weeks now and I'm not sure what to think. I mean, we don't do anything, and neither of us say it out loud, we just write it in notes. It all started out as a joke, but both of us are having a lot of fun with it! We write notes to each other in class about three times a day, we have a contest to see who can draw the most hearts, and at the end of our letters we always put "I love you lots and lots!!!" or something very similar. Now, I know best friends of opposite sexes can do this kind of stuff as a joke, but for some reason I feel like there's more there! I'll explain in the next paragraph.

When I get off the bus in the morning, I go and stand in my normal spot, and wait for the rest of my friends. If his bus gets there before the bell, he stands right next to me and very close. If his bus is running a little late, I wait for him and tell the rest of my friends to go. I don't even know why, either! Also, everyone hangs out by my locker in the morning, and he is always standing right next to me, even though his best friend is on the other side of the circle. And when I'm talking to him, or someone else in the circle, he is always staring at me. Not like he's not blinking, just like he's trying to read me. And the thing is, is that I will usually look at someone when I'm talking to them, but I feel ever so weird looking him in the eye. And I'm not lying to him, because they say that can be a reason why you won't look them in the eye, I just think that I'm afraid he's going to be able to read my soul and find some bad traits about me! Plus, his best friend is one of my friends, too, and when I talk to his best friend on the phone, and he called me earlier that night but I wasn't home, and he finds out the next day or something, he gets kind of upset. It's not like I wouldn't have called him back, it's just that nobody ever told me he called. And I do tell him that I talked to our mutual friend, because it shouldn't be a big deal.

I'm not quite sure what to make of our friendship, and I can't say if I want more or not, because I'm not sure at this point. I really need to know what you guys and girls think about my situation. If you have any intelligent advice to offer me, or you have input on this or have a question, please post, because I have been awaiting an answer on this question for quite some time! Thanks!

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i have a good friend thats a girl... although its not as much as yours... we hang out a lot and we are really good friends... we always say i love u back and forth... it started at the beginning of this school year when we had spanish together we would make gestures accross the class... i'm not pursuing it any because i like her as a friend and a really good one too... also i have my eye on someone else... i dont know if this is how he is looking at it towards you or not... but sometimes i get close to her too and am standing next to her and talking to her... i have one question... does he tell you things he wouldnt tell other people, such as secrets he has??? that could be a definite hint that he wants to be your friend more i think

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Well, X does tell me stuff he can't tell anyone else. When we talk on the phone, we talk about how our mutual friend has trouble keeping secrets and how we have to watch what we tell him. He tells me things that he has never been able to tell anyone else, and I know that's a fact because when I ask another friend we know if she knows anything about what's been going on, she says no. And, of course, I don't tell her! But he does confide in me. The only thing he won't tell me is who he likes for more than a friend. I don't hound him about it, but he just won't tell me. It might be because he doesn't want me telling the girl, but I don't see why he wouldn't tell me, seeing as I have never told anybody about anything he says! I hope you reply back on this topic, ben37d, because I really like how you think! And anybody else that wants to reply would help me out a great deal! Thanks!

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the one difference between your situation and my friend is... i tell her who i like... i actually used to like this friend in the beginning but i became much more of a good friend with them... i confide all or at least most of my secrets with her and she doesnt tell... the thing is that if he doesnt tell you this it may be because it is you... the other thing is that if he does like you but is telling you all his secrets he may be thinking of you as just a friend as time goes on like what happened to me... so in my opinion you are either heading towards going out or becoming very good friends... if u want it to start heading towards going out then start to send signs to him... one huge sign towards guys is lightly touching him or something...

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