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A rant!


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OK, so I am trying to live credit card free and I haven't had a credit card in ten years. Everything I buy, I pay in cash. So suddenly, I have to rent a car for a day. The rental company said they have to put a $500 hold on my debit card because it's not a major credit car. WTH!


I texted a friend of mine and was biatching to her about the rental policy. She offered to rent a car for me on the condition that she gets to drive me to wherever I needed to be. I agreed (guess she doesn't trust me). So she picked up the car at around 9pm and around 1am, she posted on her FB that she was driving around a Toyota Prius. OK, so I'm not even in the car with her then, but she did drive me around to where I needed to be the next day. While she dropped me off, she drove around running her errands. I spent a good one hour in the car for the whole 24-hour the car was rented.


So came time to return the car, she texted me that I owe her roughly $50, this includes the full rental fee and gas.


This is where I have to question if I'm liable for the full rental fee. I would gladly reimburse her the whole $50 had she not used the car for her personal affairs. I feel she should at least pay half.


Am I wrong in my thinking? Personally, if I rented a car for a friend and even if I didn't trust her, I'd still drive her around and if I did my errands on her time, I'd offer to pay half.

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I assume she rented the car on her own name not on yours. If so, then it is all legitimate. However, she doesn't sound like much of a friend if she rented the car, did her own errands and made good use of the car for her own purposes and then charged you the entire fee. That is an opportunist. It is very important to have a credit card because it is security. It is not a good idea to carry around tons of cash. If you make a proper budget and know how much you can spend each month you should not get into credid card debt if you are disciplined on what you spend money on.

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Yeah, I guess it's better to just rent the car on my own the next time. It's not about financing or anything. I don't have any debt and still have Discover/Visa/Master Card that are active, but no balance and simply chose not to use my credit cards or my debit card for that matter. If I don't have the money readily to pay for it all, I don't buy. And I don't carry cash around as it's so easily spent. I use my bank card so I can earn air miles. I love to travel.


Anyway, I was going to pay her for chauffering me around, but since I am paying for the rental that she mostly used, nawh!


Thank you, everyone! Just needed to vent!

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I'm not so sure why this is in a Relationship Forum, but here's the deal.


I texted a friend of mine and was biatching to her about the rental policy. She offered to rent a car for me on the condition that she gets to drive me to wherever I needed to be. I agreed (guess she doesn't trust me).

It's not about trust here... but dealing with ANY legal issues if anything were to go wrong. If she just gave you the car when she was the one who signed for it... and god forbid you get into an accident whether you were at fault or not or if the rental car breaks down... she is held responsible and can be sued by the rental company since the car is NOT under you name and your drove it. Signers get the renter's "insurance" and you aren't covered when you take the car.



So she picked up the car at around 9pm and around 1am, she posted on her FB that she was driving around a Toyota Prius. OK, so I'm not even in the car with her then, but she did drive me around to where I needed to be the next day. While she dropped me off, she drove around running her errands. I spent a good one hour in the car for the whole 24-hour the car was rented.


So came time to return the car, she texted me that I owe her roughly $50, this includes the full rental fee and gas.


This is where I have to question if I'm liable for the full rental fee. I would gladly reimburse her the whole $50 had she not used the car for her personal affairs. I feel she should at least pay half.

I wouldn't negotiate to this at all if I were you. I drive a Ford Mustang, which has less gas mileage than a Prius, and my car takes about $45 for a FULL tank of gas. I can drive my Mustang for an hour and it only takes half a tank of gas... so her charging you $50 does not compensate for an hour's worth of driving.


Bottom line: She's ripping you off. What a great friend she is being to you!


Tell her hell no and chip in for at least half of what the gas is worth. Unlucky for her, you're not the one held reliable for making sure the car is filled up... so she can't make you pay for a full tank.

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I gave her the $50 and now I'm distancing myself from her. And I agree with all of you that she is an opportunistic friend. I mean, I'm very grateful that she rented the car and drove me around, yet at the same time I hadn't expected that she has very little principle.

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Don't ever let people take advantage of you. A real friend wouldn't even think about doing that to you.


That's why I know better now and which is why she will probably be just an acquaintance and not a friend I hang out with on a regular basis.


Thank you Snny. I understand. I'm frustrated too that a friend of mine would do this to me. So I'm letting this go and telling myself that I no longer have a friend in her.

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Oh, what to do?


The so called friend just sent me a text asking me what I will be doing on the weekend of the 23-24th. She's thinking of renting a car and going out of town to a Japanese Bon Dance. Should I agree to go to the Bon Dance, but not on the car rental, but ride with her anyway and let her pay the full fee?




But then if I did that, I'd be stooping myself to her level and I'm so above that.

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I'd go with another friend to the Japanese Bon Dance because she definitely will suck you into the drama again. Your mistake was giving in to her manipulation and letting her take advantage of you, so she will press you again. Keep in mind that when you distance yourself from people, they are going to wonder why and will straight up ask you. How will you will respond if she asks why you are avoiding her?


With people like her, you need to be assertive from the very beginning. I had a friend just like the person you described and we no longer talk to each other at this point of life because I told that person that she has been very disrespectful. I lose a hell of a lot respect for "friends" who don't play fair and start taking advantage of me.

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