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Odd Things I do and think- is this healthy?


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Hey guys!!


I'm new to this whole long term relationship thing (and by long term I mean longer than two months) and I've met someone I'd like to be with awhile longer yet. HOWEVER- I do things and say things which I'm not sure are healthy in a relationship- and I've been wondering if it's just me or if these are normal thing people do/obsess about?


The first is just.. stalking. I stalk a lot- Facebook, MySpace, LJ, Twitter. I've been on all the social networking platforms reading everything under his accounts and, I'm the first to admit that it's a little bit obsessive- and I don't know why or how I do it, I just care about him a lot I suppose- and while he is kind of shut off about a lot of his past in real life, I like to know these things. Obviously I haven't told him any of this but.. yeah. Is this healthy? Should I stop it?...


The other thing is that, the other day I was at his house and watched something on his computer. When he got home he freaked out a little and asked if I'd seen a word document open. I'd flicked past it, it was only a couple of sentences, but hadn't read it because I respect his privacy- so I told him this and he asked me to not look while he shut it instantly.


At first I was curious and asked about it but y'know, he didn't reveal anything and got a little grumpy until I gave it up.


Is this something I should be worried about? I mean, it's probably nothing relevant to me but- if it's something important to him I'm a little worried that he hasn't told me about it. Is this.. a thing that people in LTRs do? I'm so confused


And yeah. I don't know, I'm probably just stressing over nothing but I really like this guy and would do anything not to lose him (which I assume will be my downfall but yeah.



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I really like this guy and would do anything not to lose him.

If you don't want to lose him, then you have to stop the "odd things you do" (your words), and no, it's not healthy at all. Obsessively stalking him will only backfire on you.


Do you do this in all your relationships?

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