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Did the interviewer hint that I'm not getting job?

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I posted a thread related to this a few days ago but wanted to get a few more Enotaloners to chime in. Here's what I noted in the other thread:


During a recent interview, one of the interviewers threw in what one might view as "career advice," and I found this a bit iffy. She said things are tough out there and that she knows it isn't easy to transition from one job/company to another when one is already gainfully employed. She said that I would have some thinking to do over the next few weeks. (The hiring manager is going on vacation for two weeks and she said a decision won't be made until early August.) Granted, both interviewers have worked there for 15-30 years, so their comments may very well be in earnest considering they haven't switched jobs in quite a while. But why mention this during an interview? Didn't they think bringing this up might give the candidate the wrong idea?


My hope is that she was merely thinking aloud. I don't want to read too much into it, but the pessimistic side of me says:

- She has an internal candidate, and/or

- She threw that in there as a subtle form of rejection

- She told me she's going on a 2-week vacation. That must mean she already has someone in mind and is going through the motions.


Then again, I can look on the bright side and surmise that her telling me "I have thinking to do" means she is strongly considering giving me the job. I can also tell myself that she may very well be out of tune with the job hunting process and views switching jobs as a risky proposition for any candidate in general; after all, she's remained in the same place for over 15 years.


I've gone through a lot of interviews and I find it is unusual for the interviewer to say something along the lines of "you should think twice before you leave your current job" if he/she is truly interested in the candidate. Again, maybe I'm reading into this way too much.


What's your take on this? Thanks in advance

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I was recently told that I have some thinking to do after an interview. I was applying to two different internal jobs, both of which were going to result in Job offers.


The same lady who told me I had some thinking to do, offered me the position 4 days later....despite telling me there was going to be a 2nd round of interviews.

Sooooo it could be in your favour.


However, my hiring manager was going on vacation and made her decision and offer before she left

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I've learned that I can no longer get a feel on whether or not I'm going to get a job.


I recall several times where I was on top of my game, the interviewer said all the right 'hinty' things, I was on top of the mountain with my ego, and voila, nothing.


Then I remember the time I started tearing when asked about my former job(left due to sexual harassment). I was mortified and I just KNEW I had to be instantly canned. Nope. They offered me the job the next day.


And I also remember another time I went through a rigorous 8 hour interview process(!) with 7 different supervisors, managers, the hiring manager and president of the company. One of them asked me, towards the end, why I thought I was a good fit for the job. I literally said "If I'm still here after this lengthy interrogation process, I'm pretty certain I can handle whatever you give me." It was just one of those things that fell out of my mouth(no filter from brain to mouth, embarrassing). What a smart ass I was. Thought it was another instant can, but was offered the job the next week.


I would say you're reading into it too much. I've been thrown off by a lot of comments in either direction. Sometimes there's just no saying. But hey, it does have you thinking, right? Have you done a follow-up thank you e-mail/call for the interview?

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Yes, I sent thank you letters to all interviewers. I feel I did well during the interview: I researched the interviewers, the company itself, etc. I showed lots of enthusiasm. I have industry experience. I feel I'm the right candidate for the job, but one never knows, right? Just keeping the faith (and my fingers crossed).

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There is just no way to know until you do or don't get that offer letter. It's not uncommon for it to take 6 weeks to get that offer because they have to go thru the interview process, reviewing the candidates, getting all the approvals and signed paperwork etc., especially in large companies.


I've had cases where i thought i had the job and the offer never came because they reevaluated and decided they didn't have the budget, or they went with someone different. I got one offer where they called a day later to say the govt. had jerked their funding so they had to rescind the offer because there was no contract. And been sure I didn't have the job because it took so long, and was surprised when i got an excellent offer offering more money than i asked for!


Don't drive yourself crazy with this. There is just no way of knowing because there are so many factors that add into whether you do or don't get hired.

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I agree with lavenderdove. I don't think you should read into anything. I totally thought I had bombed the interview for my current job, but a month later they contacted me and told me that I was one of the strongest candidates for the position. I know this sounds weird, but, if it's supposed to be your job, it will be your job and you won't have to fret about it. Just believe in yourself and your experience (which sounds pretty promising) and wait patiently for them to call you back. =)

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