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Is he keeping tabs on me?

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Is it strange for my boyfriend to add everyone I know on fb? This probably wouldn't bother me as much if in the beginning of our relationship he wasn't going through my phone and email. Actually to this day if I'm on my phone he has to come up behind me and look at what I'm doing. I feel as if he does it to keep tabs on me and that REALLY pushes my buttons. Though, he tells me he just wants more friends even though he has a substantial amount in real life AND online. Why do you think he's doing this? Should I care...and if not how the hell do I stop caring so much? ugh Damn internet...v.v I'm a very private person and want that to be respected even by my significant other ya know?

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Personally I would find it creepy if my boyfriend needed to be friends with everyone Iknow on facebook and I would be equally peeved if he was always watching me on the phone. Sounds like he doesn't trust you much.


I highly agree. You're two separate people first. Talk about it with him - if he gets all defensive, then there must be something a little deeper than just him stalking you. He probably have had some bad relationships and might have a hard time trusting. Or he's creepy.

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Just tried to talk to him about it. He gets on the defense about it. But I finally got him to admit that yes, he is keeping tabs on me. I know he has trust issues due to being cheated on before however, I have too but I have the ability to respect his privacy. It's really making me reconsider his marriage proposal. How can I spend the rest of my life with someone who can't even trust me!? Thoroughly annoyed, though happy I found this forum. It's really nice to talk it out.

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