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What does it mean when he doesnt message back?


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Okay so there is this guy who works at an amusement park that i met when i was there one day and we talked alot so i added him on facebook and we have been talking. Then he said we should hangout sometime in a few weeks, the next message i get he asked me to come up there next week when he is off and ride rides together so i said yes as long as we could do it after my class. I didnt get a response for a few day so i sent another just telling him sorry to send another message but just wanted to tell you that i hope you have a great day tomorrow. He responded to that one but never mentioned meeting up again so then i asked him what about my first message and have been waiting for a response for 5 days and the day he was talking about was three day away. What should i do?

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It sound likes he has a change of heart and doesn't want to come out and say it. Ignoring a text speaks very loudly to me as I take it they aren't all that interested. To some, ignoring is the easy way out.


Did he ever respond to you when you asked about the message?

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You should text or call him about it. He probably didn't see it on Facebook or he may have. You never know. If he's giving you mixed messages, not giving you clear answers or just flat out ignoring you I would just take it all in stride and figure he's not too enthused with the idea anymore. Even though it's annoying and somewhat rude, I wouldn't sweat it too much since you both are still getting to know each other.

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