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Any personal experiences with Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome?

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Here is a very abbreviated version of my experience with Clonazepam:


A few months after my military medical discharge/rejection, I agreed to begin treatment of my migraines/migraine-triggered anxiety with 1.5mg Clonazepam as the other prophylactic treatments had intolerable side-effects. Two months ago, my physician (psychiatrist with a background in neurology) increased the dose to 2mg as I had completely grown tolerant of the 1.5mg dose. After two weeks, I began to notice significant cognitive impairment. My short-term memory was beginning to suffer and I noticed an increase in depression (the ending of a five year relationship at the same time likely wasn't helpful). I contacted my physician, reported the issues and informed him I wanted an appointment to begin tapering off completely. I began to taper from 2mg to 1.5mg over a period of two weeks. Thankfully, my first grad summer class was coming to an end before the more severe side effects set in. My appointment was yesterday; my physician completely disregarded my symptoms and concerns, ASIDE from the tachycardia. He informed me that he would no longer see me without a cardiology consult. My father has been involved in medicine for thirty years, and is currently acting Biotechnology adviser to a Cardiology department. He found no issue with my heart, and my EKG's have been normal. Aside from the fact that my physician completely ignored both my request for assistance in tapering (using Diazepam), and disbelief that Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome was causing the instances of tachycardia, I'm now experiencing an increase in withdrawal side-effects. I'm now unfortunately going to be withdrawing from my second summer class because of the effects, as well as looking for a new psychiatrist and neurologist.


Have any of you underwent BWS? What was your tapering method? I'd prefer a long half-life Benzo taper with Diazepam (sporadic use of a beta-blocker for somatic anxiety, migraines, etc..), though others have experienced success with Neurontin and Carbamazepine. I am aware this is going to be a difficult experience, and I will likely require putting my academic pursuits on hold while the process progresses and my neurons adjust, but I'd be interested in hearing stories from others.

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I found that Benzodiazepine's withdrawal symptoms are just more anxiety and sweating. This is what I experienced. Colonazapam, I found made me just feel weird when I was taking it. You just know when it is time to stop taking this medication, I just stopped taking it one day and I was fine. I would not recommend this as every one is different. What withdrawal symptoms have you experienced.

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What withdrawal symptoms have you experienced.


My symptoms are fairly textbook, including insomnia, cognitive impairment, headaches, joint pain, somatic anxiety, tachycardia, mood fluctuation, depression, loss of appetite, nausea and digestive system issues. I'm thankful that my dose was fairly moderate and I only remained at the 2mg dose for a short period of time. There are some horrific stories regarding Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome that makes opiate withdrawal seem like Christmas morning.

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2mg is not a tiny dose.


Tapering is critical with benzos, as death can be a side effect of suddenly stopping the drug. I remember when I was taking 1 mg a day, and I was put on a 3-week tapering schedule. If you follow a good taper schedule, you shouldn't have the withdrawal.


Sounds like you're still experiencing anxiety attacks, rather than having withdrawal issues.

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2mg is not a tiny dose.


Tapering is critical with benzos, as death can be a side effect of suddenly stopping the drug. I remember when I was taking 1 mg a day, and I was put on a 3-week tapering schedule. If you follow a good taper schedule, you shouldn't have the withdrawal.


Sounds like you're still experiencing anxiety attacks, rather than having withdrawal issues.


I wasn't suggesting it was a small dose. My dose was 1.5mg for two years; the 2mg dose was less than eight weeks in duration, not long enough to completely alter the benzodiazepine receptor configuration . Unfortunately, 1.5-2mg is considered a low-moderate/moderate dose; when I was a research assistant, most of the participants were exceeding 4mg/daily. I have no fear of seizures, as the reduction will consist of subtracting .25mg of Clonazepam per taper or 1mg of Diazepam per taper. My heightened states of anxiety are triggered by migraines, and I do not experience them without. I only developed the multiple symptoms after reducing the dose, so I'm quite certain it is BWS.


I'm mainly interested in what others have experienced in regards to withdrawal treatment, especially from anyone that used a GABA analogue with or without Carbamazepine.

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