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Desperately need her, Can't stop thinking about her


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Hi, this is my first post on these forums, please be gentle. This may be quite a long post but don't be put off, please read it. I just want to know if she likes me.


I am 15 and I got back from holiday on Friday night. I met a girl there. I met her on my second last day. She is still out there until monday. Anyway, the first night I met her, I felt like we really connected. I went out to all the bars and stuff with her and 3 other people, a girl (her younger sister) and two other boys. I was so attracted to her and I was talking to her for ages. One of these other boys was also attracted to her and was doing anything he could to not let us have any time alone. She doesnt like him, not many people do. We were out quite late that night, there was a moment when we were on the beach, I was looking into her eyes, it was dark but I could see her eyes, I don't think she could see mine though because i dont think she would have held eye contact for that long. Later, we managed to find some time alone, we were walking hand in hand and when we got to the end of this path, we turned towards each other and there was this long hug. She looked up at me and just when I thought I was about to kiss her, her sister turns up! She backed off and everyone headed off to bed. Her room in the hotel was on the floor below mine, we said goodnight at the stairs, it was kind of a long goodnight, we both said it and then just waited there as if waiting for something else aswell. It was 2 am by now. I couldnt sleep that night until 5 am, but i still set my alarm clock for 8 in the morning so I could see her as much as possible the next day.


The next day was my last day. The coach to the airport would leave reception at 6pm. About an hour before i was due to leave, I got her msn address and I took photos of everyone I had made friends with out there including one of her, and one of me and her together. At 5:45 I realised I had better get going, she came with me to reception but before that she quickly went to get changed out of her swimming stuff. I waited outside the door, and while I was waiting, all the others turned up. She seemed a bit surprised to see them there. When I went to reception i said goodbye to everyone and gave her a hug, I still remember the smell of her hair, now I use the same shampoo so I am reminded of it.

Just as I was getting on the coach, one of the other boys called me back and said "Rob!, ------ wants to say something to you!"

She looked embarrassed and didnt actually say anything but i hugged her again, I think she wanted a kiss but not in front of everyone else. I got on the coach and I was sitting by the window looking at them all. They were all sitting at the bottom of the steps leading up to reception but she was standing at the top looking at me and I was looking at her too.


On the journey to the airport I could not stop thinking about her, on the plane I could not stop thinking about her, in the car on the way home, I could not stop thinking about her.


It was a 2hr and 50 minute flight back home but I swear this now, when the plane touched down, If i could have got on another one and gone straight back, I would have.


I have been thinking about her ever since, I can't get her off my mind. I have hardly been eating, which is unlike me. I have had butterflies in my stomach since the first time i met her.


She doesn't live that far away from me and we suggested meeting up with everyone else and going to this theme park which isnt far from us. It's about a 45 minute train journey to her house but i swear I will get on the train everyday if it means seeing her. Now all i think about is how I HAVE to see her again. I want her in my arms again.


so these are my questions


1: I have never been in love before, do you think this is it?

2: Do you think she might feel the same way?

3: How should I act when I talk to her or when I see her again?

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Well hun, that sounds like quite the fairy tale vacation! Bad luck about the almost-kiss! You'll get another chance! No worries!

As far as your questions are concerned... This may sound awful, and I hate to say this to you, but lying won't help you at all. Is this love? You're 15. That doesn't mean it is NOT love, but it does mean that there's a smaller chance of it being love. You see what I'm saying? Especially if you've never felt like this before... It's just that things like this tend not to last too long, especially at that age.


Does she feel the same way? Well, based on the way you described her reactions to you, I'd guess that she might feel the same. But the biggest mistake you can make is worrying about whether or not she feels the same. Worrying about things like that causes you to put your guard up and hold back, and you end up missing wonderful oportunities. Don't worry about getting hurt; it's just part of the process. You know the saying "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all"? What that is really saying is that it is better to take the risk and know for sure than to never truly know and spend the rest of your life wondering about it. So just be yourself, go for it, and the worst that will happen is she will tell you she doesn't feel the same way and you guys will move on.


How should you act next time you see her? Well, how did you act the LAST time you saw her? Because it sounds like that was working pretty well for you! The key points to being in any sort of relationship:


-Be yourself.


-Don't overanalyze the situation, just enjoy what you can.


-Don't be too afraid to get hurt, or you'll never learn life's greatest lessons.


Good luck hun! Hope things go well with this!

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It sounds from your post that the both of you definetly like each other, and it really does sound like your falling in love...just like out of a romance novel. Anyway the next you talk to her, I would be yourself and just enjoy the time you have with her. It is precious, and you should always remember that. I wish you luck and hope that your next meeting with her is even more magical!

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Thankyou both for replying.


Here's an update on the situation. She's still out there but one of my friends I made out there is back now and he has been contacting her sister. She (not the sister) wants my mobile number and address because she wants to send something. Anyway this guy gave me her number and I sent a text message. No reply. I wasn't sure if she got the message or not because i still had the same amount of credit on my phone, so I sent another one this morning and havn't had a reply yet, but it was only like half an hour ago. This time my credit has gone down by 3 pence instead of the usual 10. Perhaps she is on the same network as me because it only costs 3p to text to another virgin mobile user.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From your first post it sounded really like this girl REALLY liked you and Im pretty sure that she held eye contact when you were alone not because she couldnt see you but because she wanted to. Dont be too worried about the text as there are plenty of reasons that she might not have replied. She could have run out of battery or credit or she mite not have received the text. If you decide to send another try to sound laid back and if there is anyway to do so on your network get a report that the text was sent.

I dont think that you are in love with this girl but it does sound like a retty intense crush. If possible talk to a female friend about the situation.

You sounded pretty insecure from the way you said not many people like you and Id just like to reassure you that you sound like a great guy. Good luck with your girl.

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My older cousin Amanda met a boy when she was 14 years old. That boy was originally just a simple friend she found through her school career, until they suddenly found each other during sophomore year. That was quite a while ago, and I was too young to understand how the relationship began, but from what I've been told, it's been nothing short of amazing. My family has always marveled at how strong and pure the love Amanda shares with Mike. They are now both 22 years old, and married this year. At each and every family gathering we have, I see the bits and pieces of dreams and romance that you would expect to read in a romance novel. But they are as real as you and I, loving each other with every fiber of their being. It is so amazing to see a love and relationship like the one that the two of them share.




This is just one instance of how love develops at an early age. I completely agree with what PAdreamer says, I just wanted to show you one of those 'special instances.'


Ok, history lesson is over, let's get to the good stuff.


Mysterious, if I had read that in a different light, I would have immediately assumed it was an excerpt from a romance novel. But, seeing it through the eNotAlone forums, I'm really surprised and happy for you. 8) You just went through a life experience that I think many people might die for! Even though you're only 15 years old, and you have your whole life ahead of you, people who are much older yearn for a meeting just like that.


I think that what happened with this girl happened for a reason. Whether it means growing from a relationship with her, or spending the rest of your life with her, either way you met her for a reason. It's not my place to dwell on something as precious as this, so I'll keep it right to the point. I say this to everyone I know, but it's as true for you as it was and still is for them:


- You need to follow your heart -


I'm sure that's out of a book, a movie, or a song, but that's only because it's true. The drive for living your life comes from a great deal of responsibilities and experiences, but nothing is more influential than love. I know that no one can disagree with that.


I really believe that this girl has feelings for you, no matter how subtle they may be. Even through a forum, without knowing a bit about you other than this wonderful vacation of yours, I can tell that she likes you. You were left with a lot of loose ends when you drove away in that coach and I know you feel that too. Holding back what you really wanted to say or do with her is a sign, and I think it means you are going to see her again. It's weird that I seem to be relying on 'what's meant to be' as a source of experience, since I never believed in it before. But...that changes when you fall in love.


You need to see her again. Plain and simple. You left too many ends open for you to be satisfied with how you left her. It's a big relief even on my part to see that you have ways to contact her. Plan something, and I don't mean over text messaging, you have her phone number for a reason! Being able to hear each other's voices will open up a brand new door to the relationship, while text messaging could possibly close it. Don't take the mix-up with the text message as something to worry about; I have a lot of faith in this. I don't even know you, and I already support what you should do!


This could be an intense crush, this could be lust, or this could be love. Any of the three make sense from what I've read, but I can't tell you which one of them they might be. It's up for you to decide when you see her again. Clearly from what you've just read, I'm demanding that you do that. So...get a move on. 8) Katy's got a great point as well. Talk to a friend of yours that's a girl. You'd be amazed how connected all women in the world are. They know exactly how other girls might be feeling, what they're thinking, and how they could react. It boggles my mind...what can I say.


Look Mysterious, there's a girl on eNotAlone that already thinks you're a great guy. Act the way you have been with this girl, it will reassure her that you really are the great guy she originally thought you were.


Just remember...you are allowed to make mistakes in life, and if you do end up making one when it comes to this girl, know that it will only shape and improve you in the long run, even though it may hurt in the short term. Give us all an update when your heart has taken you somewhere.


Best of luck,



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