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Hanging on for anything


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Lol wow so yesterday my ex saw on my facebook status that im going to san diego. I had invited her a few months ago but then decided not to go because i had gotten busy. I changed my mind yesterday however and decided i should just go. She sent me these texts to which i didnt reply. " * * * since when are you going to san diego. You told me you werent cuz i wanted to go with you and "Im sorry i hurt you I hope youre willing to talk about this soon. Im slightly upset about the san diego thing" Whats her deal why would that bother her if shes so over me?

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generally, one thing dumpers hate is to see the person they dumped move on. She's just upset that you've not moping around crying and begging for her anymore and that you're trying to move on with your life. She feels her hold and power over you is slipping from her grasp so she's going to try to reclaim it and this is how they try to do it. you know what to do, Ignore and stick to NC. wether you play along with this little game of hers is up to you but the only person that will get hurt is you, i can guarantee you that.

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Lol wow so yesterday my ex saw on my facebook status that im going to san diego. I had invited her a few months ago but then decided not to go because i had gotten busy. I changed my mind yesterday however and decided i should just go. She sent me these texts to which i didnt reply. " * * * since when are you going to san diego. You told me you werent cuz i wanted to go with you and "Im sorry i hurt you I hope youre willing to talk about this soon. Im slightly upset about the san diego thing" Whats her deal why would that bother her if shes so over me?

She wants control over you. I see it from female dumpers all the time. Delete her already. She is not your girlfriend or your friend and it's none of her business what you do with your life now.

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When people break up with you and say stuff like this


"I do love you. Have a nice life and i will always be here for you"


It drives me NUTS. I mean, can't they just shut up, let you grieve and then, 3-4 months later tell you this very same line? Don't they understand it hurts??? It isn't that hard to figure out IMHO.

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Well of course after all that she says hi this morning I don't respond and then she says that it is immature to ignore her lol can't believe she is calling me immature. And finally said ok look I'm deleting you from Facebook because I don't want to see your pics and status updates especially if your not talking to me it was good knowing you. Well I guess that solves the Facebook thing.

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Well of course after all that she says hi this morning I don't respond and then she says that it is immature to ignore her lol can't believe she is calling me immature. And finally said ok look I'm deleting you from Facebook because I don't want to see your pics and status updates especially if your not talking to me it was good knowing you. Well I guess that solves the Facebook thing.

So she deleted you then? Next time, take action and do it yourself. Go the next step further and block her, for yourself.

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Well of course after all that she says hi this morning I don't respond and then she says that it is immature to ignore her lol can't believe she is calling me immature. And finally said ok look I'm deleting you from Facebook because I don't want to see your pics and status updates especially if your not talking to me it was good knowing you. Well I guess that solves the Facebook thing.


This is what I mean about Facebook. Like, tonight, I had nowhere to go. I was bored and longing for my ex. If she was my FB friend still, I would have gone to her wall and read some status updates. I would've seen something to piss me off and set me so far back that I might as well start taking a horse and buggy to work.

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