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After getting her number, how long should you wait to call?

Double J

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I met this very attractive girl at my sister's wedding reception Saturday night. I had a lot of confidence in approaching her and starting a conversation. She seemed to ask me several questions and maintained good eye contact. I said I would like to stay in touch and at first she told me to give her my number, but I was slick and took out my cell very quickly to put in her number in the phonebook. She gave it to me. Based on how she acted, does she seem interested? Plus, how long should I wait before I call? I think Monday evening is good considering I got it Saturday.

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I would go with Monday evening. I hate it when a guy is too keen and phones the next day it puts me right off, but I also hate when they leave it too long as you lose interest.


Tonight is a perfect time to call as you are still fresh in her mind, but she has been wondering if you will call.


good luck

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Honestly if a girl is interested she wants you to call right away, however, guys have this macho feeling to them where they feel they need to be in control and wait a couple of days. If you like her call her. I think that whole 2 day 3 day rule is stupid, but you do what you want.

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Bad idea to call on monday . . . it hasnt been long enough. Wednesday or Thursday would be good. Dont just talk to her on the phone the idea is to get some personal interaction, go out for some coffee or something very casual. This is why you dont call her in the evening cuz then its just gonna be a phone convo. There is another reason you are asking her out, if she accepts and depending on how the meeting goes you will know if she is just a friend or if she has potential.

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I seem to do ok in this small aspect of the dating game, so I'll comment.


If you've planted a nice enough seed of interest in the girl, then you can probably call her the next day and she won't hold it against ya. I've waited as long as 10 days to call before. Again, if she had any enthusiasm for you, she will still remember you after all that time.


When you first call, do not hang up until you've asked her out to do something. On the same note, keep the call short n' sweet.... you wanna save all the juicy convo for your date right?


I try my best not to leave a message if she's not around to catch my call. If you leave a message, you sorta lose your initiative and you are left waiting for the girl to call you back. If she happens to be a shy girl or someone not used to initiating stuff with guys, then you are forced to cal her again to "check", then we get into the whole phone call deficit stuff, haha.

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If a guy waited 10 days to call me, I'd probably not even take the call. I really appreciate a show of interest, and think a guy's interest is directly related to the amount of time it takes him to call me. I also like a guy who is confident enough to call me even the next day if he is really interested. I've found most guys wait a day or two before calling.

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