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Realitynut's healing journal...finally


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Well, no, sorry it doesn't. I have never seen the point in keeping exe's as friends. That more time then not causes problems in any new relationship and it keeps you (the general you) more times then not from moving on free in heart and mind to find a Good partner that will value you. I'd not want a good partner that valued me to be having to weed through ex baggage and being concerned that I'm still being friends with someone that I couldn't even get along with. Why would I want someone that I couldn't get along with in my life still is the question?


Anyway, I think that once you get this ghost out of your system and stop communication with him so that you can stop allowing him to rent space in your brain for free, that is when you will see the beauty of good men that are in front of you. Until then, you'll not feel the connection.


Good luck, luv.

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  • 5 months later...

Heheehe.....3 years and one months since Dan dumped me for good....and today i just had a meetup with a guy that shows some promise!!! First on on POF in 3 years that seems almost normal. 6'2". Nice looking. Not as funny as Tom. But we biked. I out biked him. And we hiked. I out hiked him....lol And i'm older!


Don't know where this will go. He lives an hour and a half away. Not as bad as Dan...at 4 hours. Dan and i had INSTANT chemistry. With this guy....he just appealed to me. He said he had fun...and i actually let him give me a quick kiss goodbye! Woo-hoo


It took Tom 10 months before i let him kiss me.....so time marches on....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep. That Monday i thought i might have TWO guys as options. But by the next Monday...i had none. Both said adios. One said he didn't want a 'relationship' (Tom) the other said he was going to stay single...so why bother txting. ugh

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  • 4 months later...

Awww, thanks. No not really. Tom and i have been having our back and forth issues. He seems all sweet and caring and sucks me in. Then turns cold and cranky. Last night i surprised him at his house. I guess he was tired. I don't know. but he was distant and one think led to another...and he got angry. And belligerent! He told me what he always tells me...I don't want a relationship. So i asked him why he was on link removed saying he wants a long term relationship. He said, OK, you asked me, I'll tell you. I might want a relationship but not with you. I smiled and he said, why are you smiling. And i said, I had figured that....

He got so bad (with me defending myself) he actually said i had used him was tired of me saying he was being mean and creepy to him. I told him that i was always kind and nice to him. He said, No you're creepy to me too! I said WHAT? HOW? He said it was creepy that i was in his driveway tonite. HUH? This was the same guy that last weekend we were walking at a park and he held my hand the whole time. Also last weekend, we sat on the couch and watched a movie, and he had his arm around me and stroked my face!!! A first!!! I thought he had turned a corner......as usual.


He ended up getting so mad....and me just standing their bawling.....That he said , if you don't leave now, I will throw you out.


I left. There is no going back. We have never gone 2 weeks without seeing each other, cuz after he has been nasty/cold, he always comes around and apologizes. We then talk/laugh for hours. I have never known anyone so Jekyl and hyde.


I'm gonna have to really try hard not to get depressed. But Dan NEVER, EVER treated me like that. I keep looking back and saying "but last year...." and he gets mad. This isn't last year.

Yep. Sad.


On a Dan note...lol...he called this week and talked a half hour.


LOL...i guess since this is MY JOURNAL...oh my....I'm actually posting ON MY JOURNAL>....lol....

eh...I'll write about Dan later....


I also have been seeing a new guy that just got divorced. He's nice. Doesn't make me laugh. Doesn't DO the things i do. All he does is watch TV and movies. ugh. But he likes me......what can i say? He is really sweet. He doesn't make me cry. YET! lol

I just give him a kiss good night and push him away.....sigh.


His wife just left him for his best friend. Messy.

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I just looked up at my journal. I had posted in the spring about this tall guy that appealed to me. Yep. He then went and met someone else. He just texted me last week and wanted to see me again, but i didn't jump on it cuz i was seeing Tom...sorta.


Also, a few months ago, i met a guy i liked. Saw him about 5 times. Went camping...long story. He left in the middle of the night cuz i snored. sigh


Your basic, the ones you like don't like you. And the ones that like you....you don't much care about them. Groan.

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