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Do guys notice a girl's nails?


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I had my nails done professionally once with acrylics (asides from the random stick on nails which are rather fun) - and guys did seem to notice and comment. So I must assume they are looking. Never again though - it's such a pain.

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Going to go against the grain here, and say that painted nails and long nails are a turn off for me.

I admit that I am a female, so this isn't even my place to comment but here is my thinking.


I am very active, creative, and outdoorsy. It would be impossible to keep my nails long and painted when I play guitar, banjo and piano (the strings chip the polish off when playing old time banjo, and on piano, long nails hit the keys and make a click noise)

I paint, and not neatly. I use my fingers a lot in my art. Oil paints don't get along with nail polish.


I am an avid hiker, fisher, rockclimber, and whatever other outdoor activity I come accross the opportunity to try. I thrash my hands. Nail polish and long nails end up chipped and broken.


If I see someone with perfect nails, I know their lifestyle doesn't jive with mine. (not that there is anything wrong with that, to each their own)


That said, I paint my toenails, and if I have a wedding or something to attend, I will throw some polish on my nails.

It's just not a priority though.

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I don’t know why but I am actually repulsed to the point of heaving if I see those dreadful long fake finger nails, someone recently lifted their hand to me to illustrate her displeasure at one of them falling off, I nearly regurgitated in her face!


Don’t be offended those that do wear these, It’s just something that I really really dislike along with all those artificial things girls apply to their body’s such as that bright orange fake tan, Brrr


So to your question, yes, yes we do.

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Whoa. I knew that not everyone likes fake nails, but I had no idea it was that bad for some people.


Yikes, to think I was considering getting fake nails after I graduate and get a job... This is because although painting my nails is fun, I don't get to do it much, only during summer break. I'm in nursing, so I can't have long nails or they will poke holes in my gloves. I thought fake nails would be more practical because I could take them off any time (I've never had fakes before, so I'm not sure if it works that way). But if it's that disgusting, then never mind.

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I get acrylic nails filled and done regularly..light pink with white tips..they're not very short but they aren't claws either. I feel like a tom boy when I don't have mine done. I've never had any complaints though, my guy friends have offered to pay for me to get my nails done so I could scratch their head and back, lol..I never realized they were such a turn off for some people.

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