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This is pain 1978-1980


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With EW a 45 cal, the world peaceful why look 30 yrs since loving marriage with 2 successful grown kids.


No Lily no required, maybe when and if old age calls an end of life. I hear of her passing the demon will die.

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I think this is likely a problem within yourself where your pain and anger won't go away unless you address it.


We aren't meant to go through life without bumps and bruises so if you can live with the stress of your emotions, it is your own burden to carry as you wish. However, it is genuine shame that you gave up your daughter because of these feelings.


Did you just want people to know of your story or did you want some sort of advice? I'm not clear on that really..

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and where was the child all the throught the counseling? did they advise you to ignore his existence? poor kid. i am sorry, you clearly went through immense hardship a long time ago...but the kid...don't even want to think what that little human went through. no love or affection. and none of it was his fault. he just ended up as collateral damage. i guess that's not what the thread is about. so never mind.good for you that you've rebuilt and good for you that you do not have regrets about missing out on your child growing up.

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I agree with the others. It's good you left the marriage but I don't understand how you don't regret leaving your innocent child behind to pay the price. Even if you couldn't be around your wife, you should have paid child support which you proudly state you didn't. What happened to you was terrible but I hope one day you'll be able to recognize your own mistakes as well. You still have a lot of anger.

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I think you wouldn't have felt such hatred if you had just walked out the door. You continued to sleep with her, the whole time hating her guts. I think you are more angry with yourself than you are with her.

**Not like today must try to reconcile. Yes I wasted 2 yrs. You state I have a lot of anger 30 yr ago if you read my post raped my EW post discovery for 2 yr, There was no love, holidays, birthdays etc.

I agree with the others. It's good you left the marriage but I don't understand how you don't regret leaving your innocent child behind to pay the price. Even if you couldn't be around your wife, you should have paid child support which you proudly state you didn't. What happened to you was terrible but I hope one day you'll be able to recognize your own mistakes as well. You still have a lot of anger.

**I would have killed her she was no more than a piece of meat, which my counselor was a danger sign. The EW was no longer human in my mind. Now imagine she needed to take me to court for additional support. This could/would have been a trigger of such an event.

No actually pretty mellow as destiny has dictated prices.


***Destiny has created the payment she must bear. We are reaching end of life so any point is mute now.

***Again it sounds like I should have killed EW to have child. I take that is your stance.


So clarify murder to have child nothing less.

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If you are strongly capable of murder (which you confess to time and time again), have such intense anger issues ("smashing windows, chairs, walls and car destroyed in fits of rage - broke his table with fist") etc, and you can so easily walk away and abandon your OWN young child, then you need some very intense long term professional counselling, as this behaviour is not normal by any means (imo). You seem to brush it off as if it's absolutely nothing, simply shrug your shoulders with a "so what" attitude. Again, not normal behaviour (again, imo).


Just because some time has passed since this happened, your clearly still show these traits. I would still strongly recommend professional counselling, but no doubt everyone's advice will be ignored either way.


Also, many here are not clear what advice you were asking for. It seems like this post was more about bragging about what you did (or how you were/are capable of murdering your ex wife).

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