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Should I tell her why I am moving on?


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I have this on and off again relationship and the other day I decided to end it because in the past she would end things without warning and I've come to recognize the signs. This time I thought I would move on because she was withdrawing again. I told her I needed to end things and bring closure to what was a chaotic relationship. She agreed with it but then told me I should see a counselor.


The more I've thought about this, the more it is ticking me off. In the past, she has used people close to me and never apologized. She also never apologized to me for breaking things off for no reason and she would never discuss it even when I tried to have a resolution talk.


She justifies things by saying that her actions, though emotionally painful to people, are helping them expand their emotional horizons by making them vulnerable and shaking them out of their comfort zone. She also justifies things by saying they work out that way for a reason, even if it's bad.


This is my third day of no contact.


Part of me is thinking about sending her an email telling her that her actions do in fact cause pain and that it isn't helpful even if she twists it that way. I want her to know that other people think she is cruel despite what


Another part of me is telling me to just let it go and be the bigger person. I think sending the email will only justify things in her mind for whatever reason. I also tell myself that I should have pushed this discussion more in the past and now I should just move on.


Anyone have an opinion?

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I spoke with a friend who knows both of us and she said to let it go because the person in question would spin everything I said around and never acknowledge any type of wrongdoing. Then it would turn into a drawn out argument that takes up my time that I need to be using to move on.


thank you all for the replies.

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