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So now I'm nutty, immature, and childish!


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Said the guy whom I broke up with after I found out he was chatting up women. I'm supposed to be the girlfriend patiently waiting for him to return from deployment. Well, I found out via his facebook that he also has many other girlfriends thinking they were the one woman he's returning to. He claimed I violated him by going through his facebook friend list and contacting them. LOL


I mean, what girlfriend wouldn't be suspicious when there is a huge disparity between male and female friends, like maybe 4 male to 96 female? Not to mention, clearly on the wall, women post messages like, "I miss you, baby." I let him know one time that I wasn't comfortable with these messages and all he did to "assure" me was said, "I see the green-eyed monster has surfaced." What a selfish * * * * * !

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He's clearly a jerk. I believe close to 30 percent, maybe more, of the soldiers on deployments cheat. that's what happens, when you're stressed out and lonely.


I will have to agree, both married and single. I really had to question this guy's character. When we first met, he had told me that he never knew his father. The only presence he had of his father as a little kid was in the form of a monthly check. He and his younger sister were brought up by his mom. You'd think that from seeing what his mom went through and what his dad did to desert them that he'd know better. I guess some men just never learn. Like father, like son. I don't want to be with someone like that anyway.

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It sounds like he feels he's entitled to have lots of different women on the go, and if that's the case, then he isn't serious about any of them.


Nor is(was) he serious about me. At first, I was devastated. I questioned myself how I allowed him to trick me into believing that I had a future with him. Then I realized I wasn't the first nor will I be the last. So I'm not alone in all of this. If I didn't break up with him, I'm weak and have very little respect for myself.

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I will have to agree, both married and single. I really had to question this guy's character. When we first met, he had told me that he never knew his father. The only presence he had of his father as a little kid was in the form of a monthly check. He and his younger sister were brought up by his mom. You'd think that from seeing what his mom went through and what his dad did to desert them that he'd know better. I guess some men just never learn. Like father, like son. I don't want to be with someone like that anyway.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


I'm sorry this happened, I feel you made a wise choice in walking away, and self respect has a loud voice.


All the best...

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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


I'm sorry this happened, I feel you made a wise choice in walking away, and self respect has a loud voice.


All the best...


Thank you!


I like your signature. I may have to borrow it.

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