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Book Talk

"It's Called a Break-Up Because it's Broken"


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I bought it today and will start reading it tonight. Anyone here read it and what did you think? It's written by the same people who wrote "He's Just Not That Into You" and is specifically for people getting over a break-up. Did it help?

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I read it along with another 20 or so self-help books, really it's okay, makes you realize there are people that do some crazy things so the stuff we might have done aren't soooo bad, but really I didn't get much from it.

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Hey thanks Ferna. I've read a bit more of this book and will finish it, but I do find it a bit annoying. They virtually say the same thing over and over again. So far it's more about telling the reader that their partner really doesn't want them and is unlikely to ever come back, but I've yet to read about getting on with things. Hopefully that will come soon in the book.

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