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Silent Treatment or Fake Happiness??

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My ex has pissed me off to no end by his recent behavior. I had finally accepted our breakup as final and we talked on the phone twice (no fighting, just chit-chatting very warmly about this and that). If you have read my recent post, you would know that we had made plans to do something together a few days ago, but he stood me up on those plans to go out with other people. I was really willing to work on a having a friendship with him (especially since we go to school together and have classes together) but obviously he is too immature or doesn't care to have that kind of relationship with me. My question is, when he calls (which he always does), do I just not pick up or do I pick up and pretend to be totally happy and indifferent to what he does? I know this sounds like I'm trying to be manipulative, but I'm just trying to look out for myself and protect myself from being hurt by him. I just don't want him to think he has any kind of power over me. What do you guys think?

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Dear kekep:


Go to no contact.


He doesn't sound like he's worth having a friendship with. After all even a friend won't stand you up. I know that it will be difficult because you have classes together. When you see him give him a slight nod and move on.


Take care,


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I agree. Especially if your reason is that you want to look out for yourself, then NC is the only way to go. If your reason is that you want to show him he has no affect over you, NC is the way to go as well, but more importantly, it's for yourself.

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Sorry but I dont aggree with the last people. Although yes he isn't worth being a friend too. But you dont want him to know that you are pissed because then he will know that he has gotten you. Be strong and when he calls just answer the phone and be polite but instead of having a converstation with him. Just make up some excuse like Sorry I cant talk right now I have homework to do. Or I want to watch this movie right now call me later. Something like that. And then you will be the one blowinghim off maybe thats something hes not used to and then he'll think twice.


Trust me on this one I have dont this before it works everytime.


Good Luck

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