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I feel so stupid. I need support.

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I finally realized that my wonderful, sweet b/f is a spineless control freak.

I broke up with him and I'm really upset with myself for getting involved, once again, with a jerk. I know that the only reason I got involved with him in the first place was because I felt lonely and isolated.


I moved about 10 months ago to a place where I didn't know anyone. My family and friends are not close to where I live and even though I have gotten to know a few of my neighbors (My ex was one of them, although he recently moved) I still feel really isolated.


I get so scarred living here sometimes. The logical side of me knows that there is nothing to be afraid of. But my emotions get away from me sometimes and I end up feeling depressed. I actually feel like I can't take care of myself. I feel like a freak. I work from home, which leaves me, stuck here just about 24/7. I feel so desperate that I want to move back to my hometown. Doing this would mean a pretty big financial lose and I'm not sure that running back is the answer. Any suggestions would be so greatly appreciated.

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I would suggest that the time that you do not work, get out and just talk to people. Social interaction is important as it helps keep you healty and I am sure you will make some friends. You should not feel isolated. Plus you have the internet so you can chat with people online if you feel lonely. Good luck!

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