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I think I made a fool out of myself


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well, its hard to read her mind, but i'd definitely say either she's just really embarrassed (other people can be shy too, you know ) or that she's definitely giving you the cold shoulder, as a way of getting you to lose interest in her. could be either (and whose idea was it to leave the letter? thats a terrible idea i think) but the best thing to do is to continue to be your cheerful self (even if its hard) and the next time you happen to bump into her, say something like "about the letter, im sorry if its made you feel uncomfortable at work, its just that I had to get some of my feelings out... etc etc" don't be too forceful and dont be soppy either. just show that you respect her and how she feels, which is causing her to act this way...


gotta go

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I wouldnt change anything. Don't avoid eye contact or friendly talk. Just tell her how u feel. U will just make urself and her uncomfortable by ignoring each other. If shes not interested, tell her thats fine, but don't stop the occasional talk or anything, u can at least be friends.

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She has defintely had some reaciton from the letter...she is still talking to you, so obviosuly it does not mean that she hates you. I would just continue on with things and soon or later I am sure she'll discuss the letter with you. Do not worry...everything will turn out good in the end. Good luck!

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No no, I have a friend thats a girl, ans she told me a while back, that she doesn't like when guys leave her letter at her mailbox, and not say nothing in person.


I mean at first when you want to tell her you like her its hard, but when you do, it doen't matter what way...e-mail, letter, txt msg, etc.

she is gonna expect you to tell her something in person. Knowing how I am, I would of probably done the same thing you did.


Anyways, what do you work in?

Buy the sound of it, it seems you work in some food place...

You might want to ask her to join you for lunch and you guys can talk, and then once she is feeling comfortable with you, you can ask her is she ever read the letter.....

then you can go on from there....

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i have to say everyone has given some good points as for me...i don't believe in jumping to conlcusions cause its jus drives u crazy. its hard to know what she's thining but at the same time she is still talking with u and maybe flirting with u so that has to be a plus. My advice is jus get straight to the point and let her know now u feel, remember age is jus a number, but when u let her know how u feel, don't jus dump it on her, be very subtle and easy. Oh and let her know no matter what u'll remain friends.

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Actually I'd suggest not mentioning that letter again, but that is just me. Maybe apologise if you made her feel uncomfortable yes that might be a good idea. "Hi, about that letter, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." That was mentioned before and it is probably a good idea if it hasn't been too long since she got the letter. If it's been a while or you don't want to apologise maybe acting like there was never a letter might be best.




Also she is almost 18 and you are 21 you say...well age may not be a big deal true but keep in mind other things like if she is going off to college soon or something that could be a reason for rejection or even her feeling uncomfortable that she does like you. At any rate keep an open mind.

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