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Cute guy at a Game shop


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Just today I was at a game store, and was helped by one of the employees. He and I talked a bit about video games, and I thought he was kind of cute. I bought my stuff without even telling him my name, but maybe I can go in again tomorrow to sell back an old game and, if he's there, introduce myself and ask him if he would like to chat over coffee or something when he's off.


I figured, why not give it a shot? Worst that could happen is he says no. He might not be there tomorrow, though. I don't know his work schedule, and it might be kind of suspicious if I went to the store every day to see if he was there...


Does this sound like a good idea, or a bad idea since he's working? If it's good, how do you think I should introduce myself? What should I say?

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Well if your worried about showing up all the time you can always play "I have a little brother" scenario who wants you to play some game with him and you are asking for advice. Or you can wait till the next week on the exact same work day and more than likely he'll be there. I say go for it! Like you said, worst case you get a no. You might fall in love?

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Dangit I don't know any of those consoles lol... Well you can ask him if he's heard of a new game called L.A. Noire (it just came out today) and is revolutionary. Even if he doesn't play it the Game store people will still know about it. Good conversation starter and eventually if things start sounding positive and you feel like you have a good connection toss in a "Hey wanna get coffee sometime?" I think it would be cute.

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Just curious, what console is L.A. Noire on? My brother has other consoles, so I could say I just heard of it and am thinking of getting it for his birthday (it would almost certainly cost less than a 3DS).


Thank you for the ideas, guys. I mean, yeah the conversation subject was right under my nose, but I wanted to know how and when to ask him out. Plus, like I said, I'm a quiet person, but I'm in a daring mood right now and want to make my plan before the feeling wears off

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