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Back to school!

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Well, schooltime is going to be starting again in less than 2 weeks for me. I'm just wondering if you guys like going back to school or not.


I've got mixed feelings about it, some parts I hate, some parts I love, some I don't mind. Certainly not looking forward to the upwards of one hour ride to and back from school.


Anyhow, so do you guys like going back to school?

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Absolutely HATED it. High school was THE worst...hated every minute of it...could be why I graduated early. College was a little better since I had more control over my schedule and I was actually studying stuff I wanted to study. Still, it was a pain in the butt.


I gotta say having a job and going to work beats going to school, hands down, no question. Wouldn't go back to my teens or twenties for large sums of cash or any other inducements.

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I personally like most of going back to school. I get to see a lot of my friends that I haven't see much during the summer for many reasons(i.e. working vacation ect..) and its just great to see everyone again. Plus its just so crazy that it's almost fun. Plus all the activities start up like theature and newspaper so that parts not to bad. Of course there are people who I sure wouldn't mind seeing much of when school is back in session and I don't like hearing anything mean or nasty or seeing fights but that comes with school so it jsut happens


Hope your school year coming up turns for the best



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since your 18, I'm assuming that you are talking going to college, I have couple of family memebers that regret not going to school, they thought they where making good money, why need school?


well anyways, they have kids and wife to take care of, and talk about bills. And they can't find time to go back to school.


I suggest you go to school, especially in some states school is free, even an AA is better than nothing.



Its really up to you, but you meet new people, and also an hour is nothing...my friend has to drive two hours 3 times a week to go to school, at least the rent is cheaper for him.

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school....argh! My school starts August 23...and I do NOT want to go. The 20th I'm going to get new school clothes and I'm actually excited about that...but actually going...no. I don't have 'friends' so I don't want to see anymore, of course I don't want to go to class...I just do not want to go. It sucks, big ones.





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last year was sorta lame and un-interesting, but this year is gonna be GREAT i know it! My school starts in about 2 and a half weeks. Already i found ou that 1 of my close friends has 5 out of 6 classes with me so i KNOW him and i are gonna raise sum hell this year.

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last year was sorta lame and un-interesting, but this year is gonna be GREAT i know it! My school starts in about 2 and a half weeks. Already i found ou that 1 of my close friends has 5 out of 6 classes with me so i KNOW him and i are gonna raise sum hell this year.


Honestly, i think this is the first time iv EVER been happy and eager to GO BACK TO SCHOOL. I longed to go to school like this since elementry school, back when everyone was cool and there were no problems

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Last year was sorta lame and un-interesting, but this year is gonna be GREAT! IM SURE OF THAT! My school starts in about 2 and a half weeks. Already i found out that 1 of my close friends has 5 out of 6 classes with me so i KNOW him and i are gonna raise sum hell this year.


Honestly, i think this is the first time iv EVER been happy and eager to GO BACK TO SCHOOL. The last time i felt so positive about school was in elementry, back when everyone was cool and there were no problems




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Absolutely HATED it. High school was THE worst...hated every minute of it...could be why I graduated early. College was a little better since I had more control over my schedule and I was actually studying stuff I wanted to study. Still, it was a pain in the butt.


I gotta say having a job and going to work beats going to school, hands down, no question. Wouldn't go back to my teens or twenties for large sums of cash or any other inducements.


yes, totally agreed, school is GAY especially boys school -_-#. just try to think the good things, something like good future that sounds like stupid, but work for me, sometimes i work extreme hard, sometimes just %$#@!

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im kind of looking forward to it myself not only have i got alot of things figured out but welli know what iw ant todo but its going to be hard as hell cause i failed two thirds of my classes last year so i need to shape up. but its going to be good because im getting tired of working and school will mean im not cleaning for hald the day... ugh lol the only time i really like my job is when i end up doing some sort of really strenuouse labor because well im doing stuff that they should be doing for themselves but then again they are wealthy enough to pay someone to do it lol... but yea im looking forward to school i know im going to be tired and worn out after a bit of it but itll all be worth it later



P.S. sorry i tend to ramble

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