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I'm stung and feel hurt, over a bag?


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Today has been terrible... well, it started out fine, but through out the day I've been noticing my mood and emotions have been falling apart.


One of the main things that's caused my mood and emotional change today, among some other things, is something so small, so trivial, I don't even know why it's bothering me.


Today, one of my "co-workers" brought me in 2 bottles of Jack Daniels that she had at her house, that she doesn't drink. She knows Jack is my favorite and offered me the two bottles free of charge. She had them in this large bag with 2 sections, one section for each bottle.

Now, don't think this is about the bag itself - don't get me wrong, it's a nice bag... but it's stupid also... it's a freaking bag... it's the point behind it.


Anyway, so I placed the bag and the liquor underneath my desk and went about my day. During the day, I had to leave to pick something up, and when I came back, I noticed the co-worker switching the liquor into another bag. When i asked her what she was doing, she told me that the secratary (my mother) and one of my "partners" told her that she'd never see the bag again and she'd be better off switching it for a bag she doesn't care about....


and she did just that.


I felt betrayed in a way, like she didn't trust me enough to bring her stupid bag back in the morning, and she took the advice of the people around me, rather than seeing things for herself.

When confronted, she bad the balls to tell me that she was willing to bet $20 that I'd give the back bag in the morning, as she trusted me --- but she still took the freaking thing back. You'd think if she really did trust me and was willing to bet money over something so stupid, she'd never have switched bags in the first place. You'd think the confidence would be there and she'd tell them, "I'm not worried about it."


Again, this isn't about the bag itself, it's about the meaning behind it - and it just kind of stung me and reminds me of the lack of respect I receive from everyone around me.

It's not even a big deal, but it's just another slap in the face....


What the hell!

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This is ridiculous. They are pretty much saying that I'm not responsible enough to bring her lousy bag back in the morning. Which by the way, I had it all planned out, because the first thing I thought was that she'd like her bag back in the morning. I'd go home, take the liquor out, put her bag in the front seat of my car and bring it back.


This is the stupidest thing in the entire world, and I can't even believe it's bothering me... but to me it shows a serious lack of respect for me and that I can't be trusted.

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She knows me; and I'm not really angry at her per say, but I am angry at what she did. listened to other people, made the switch, and claimed that she could trust me and would even bet money that I'd give her dumb bag back - but the fact is, she still listened to them.


Actions speak louder than words... if she really trusted me and was that confident - she wouldn't have switched bags. Plain and simple, she would have told them "listen it's a stupid bag I don't care about it; or I'm sure he'll bring it back no problem."


I am angry at them, too.

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I'll say this to start, I don't think they are calling you a thief at all. What they are saying is you are irresponsible to others and their possessions. I've had friends like that. I trust them completely but they nonetheless are flakes when borrowing things and/or considering my time. Ya know? Do you do that as well? I mean one doesn't normally get that reputation over night, nor without warrant. Think about it. I think that's why you're a might peeved. Maybe it hits home? Dunno. But something to consider.

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Well, if someone gave me something in a cute little gift bag or a specialized bag and handed me the bag rather than taking the bottles out and handing to me, I would have assumed they meant for me to have the bag. Personally, I would let it go, but I'd have a talk with your mother about inserting herself into things

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I'll say this to start, I don't think they are calling you a thief at all. What they are saying is you are irresponsible to others and their possessions. I've had friends like that. I trust them completely but they nonetheless are flakes when borrowing things and/or considering my time. Ya know? Do you do that as well? I mean one doesn't normally get that reputation over night, nor without warrant. Think about it. I think that's why you're a might peeved. Maybe it hits home? Dunno. But something to consider.


Nope, I'm not irresponsible with other people's belongings. I never borrow anything from anyone, and on the rare occasion's I have, it's been returned when I said it would be.

I returned the other bag this morning as planned, now out of pure spite just to prove a point.


I've told my mother countless times to but out of my business, but she doesn't listen. She doesn't know anything about me, as up until she started working with me, we never spent any time together.


I have let it go, and now it doesn't bother me anymore, but still - it was the meaning behind it, the lack of respect, and the lies about "oh i totally trust you, i'd even bet money against them" that bugged me about it.

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Ah, k. Then I don't blame you for being hurt. Honestly, I'd say something to your family/mom. Let her know that lack of confidence in you hurt. Hopefully she'll see that and stop. That kinda stuff can really take a toll on relationships with family. She needs to see that - if she cares of course. Some folks never do.

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