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Going Out With Ex Tomorrow...What to Do?

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Hello All-


My ex called me today and we talked for 45 minutes and just goofed off. Anyway, I decided I was ready to get together to do something in person, so I asked if he wanted to meet up sometime. He said tomorrow he wanted to do something. I suggested bowling and I think this is a good idea since we both love to do it and it's fun. But I'm worried that the "date" will last a long time and I read somewhere that you should try and keep your first meeting with your ex fun but as short as possible, so it makes them want to see you again. Anyway, any thoughts on this theory or I am I just analyzing the situation too much? Thanks all!


P.S. I was also wondering. Everytime I talk to my ex he wants to know if I've been seeing or hooking up with anyone else. I try to be vague with him, but why is he always asking this? Is he trying to make sure I'm still interested or what? For instance, this weekend I stayed at my brother's friend's house and my ex said "I thought you were probably going to hook up with him (talking about the friend)." I'm thinking that's a pretty disrespectful thing to say and think about me, what do you guys think?

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First of all...relax you will have a great time and everything will go great. don't think about what could happen or what will happen. just go with the flow! And about the PS it sounds to me like he still likes you and is trying to tell you in his own little way that he does! First thing you have to do is decide if you still like him or whatever! then go with the flow and do what you can!


-good luck!!

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What lilsht05 said, everything was correct, but I'll like to add a little thing; mabey he askes you if you were seeing another guy to see for himself if you are staying loyal. Usaully people that break up with their gf/bf of their life will die to get back together again and do anything. So mabey he is thinking if you really love him, than you will not need any other guys love and relation than his. Just my way of thinking. good luck and have fun.

Drive safe! lol Joking but true

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