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ebooks on getting back together?


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Hi there. Has anyone on this forum used or are currently using an ebook or relationship books such as Matt Hutson's 'Get Him Back Forever?' Considering buying one as I've made all the classic mistakes after a bad breakup but am quite serious about wanting him romantically in my life.

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Well, there is a lot of material about the subject out there. It really sucks to break up and the natural reactions to it don't help at all (begging, trying to fix it arguing), I have been in your position before, this link removed helped me, unfortunately, even tho the thing worked like a charm, later i found out that she wasn't really the one for me, but if you believe he is the one, go for it, you only regret the things that you didn't try.

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Mockingbird can I ask if you had made mistakes already? I was going through dome personally/family things when we broke up and did not take it well. I begged/cried/drunk dialled/texted/had ex sex (every single thing I shouldn't have). We had a up/down relationship but did love each other a lot. Can you use those sorts of books even after a messy end? thanks

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* Well, i think the book helps you in either of 2 ways, you get your ex back or you become able to move on. Most of the times people recur to this books only after making everything they shouldn’t have, because of course if those things worked out you wouldn’t need the book, right?


I think the book is useful to get through the situation no matter what the outcome turns out to be. In my case I did many mistakes after the break up (everything u enunciated), but thanks to the book I got a hold of myself and turned the situation 180 degrees, I think the whole getting back together is not that complicated, but as I told you, sometimes is just not worth it.


If you really want your Ex back and you believe there’s a viable future with him, great! go for it! But don’t repeat the same mistakes over and over again! Because if you do come back with your ex, you want to do it in a healthy relationship and begging, crying, etc just doesn’t help you to achieve that. Good luck!

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