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the sound of a breaking mirror

echoes eternaly in the background

in the chaos of a normal day

this has become a soothing sound


looking down into the shreds of it

staring at your broken reflection

like a shadow on the sun

you are the flaw in perfection


staring into infinity

slashes of the peace on my wrist

dreaming of the perfect place

but such a place does not exist


into your face you look

into your own eyes you stare

into your wrist you cut

into your grave this secret you bare


no one will ever know

from where these scars came

and to the unseen

in compare the revealed seem tame


my mind fills with these thoughts

my hands bleed this pain

but to you these are just words

you think that im still sane


so i say goodbye

never to be heard from again

because im dying now

not by the mirror but by the guilt within


-sTiTcHeS aka The Antihero

oppinions please?

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