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Such short-lived friendships, and i don't know why. Getting me a bit down...

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So some of you may remember my last post. If not, I'll sum it up here as best as I can: I met a guy and a girl, and became friends with them. Girl was in love with guy, guy only saw her as a friend. I developed a little crush on the guy. Guy flirted with me a little bit.


This past Tuesday, it seemed all was going well. We were all hanging out and having fun. This girl has had it in her head for a year+ that she and the guy would be a couple some day, and she's madly in love with him. He has told her numerous times it will never happen, but she never listens. This past Tuesday, he told her again... and she ended up pouting in a corner for about an hour because of him rejecting her.


Wednesday, she was still pouting. She wasn't talking to anybody. She doesn't understand why the guy she's madly in love with, who she would do anything for, doesn't feel the same. In the nicest way possible, I told her what I would tell any friend... "You are only going to get hurt more and more if you keep holding on. He says he only sees you as a friend, so you should take his word on that. Move on. Find somebody who loves you as much as you love them." I thought I was doing her a favor, but apparently not. In response to that, I get something along the lines of, "You crazy * * * * * * !! QUIT STARTING DRAMA!!! This is why I dont befriend stupid girls!!! Always starting crap with me!!! Get the hell out of my life!!!"


I apologized for any inconvenience or hurt I caused her, and explained I was only trying to help. It went nowhere though.



Wednesday night, I was talking to the guy. We were getting along fine. He asked if I wanted to hangout on Friday (today), and we planned to meet up sometime today. I didn't hear from him at all Thursday (yesterday)... and today, I woke up to find that he has deleted me on Facebook and everything.


I, uhh... don't get it. I don't understand what happened there... how we went from planning to hangout, to not even speaking and deleting me off of Facebook.



I believe everything happens for a reason, so there has to be a good reason the two of them are now out of my life. But for the life of me, I just don't understand what happened. And this seems to be a pattern in my life... I can't seem to hold onto true friends very long. It's a bit depressing.

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I'm not getting why he deleted you....BUT I have to ask--did you tell her to leave him be because saying that was the best thing for her--or you?


I don't feel you were the best to give her advice in this situation....maybe you said exactly what a friend should? but clearly you had your own agenda and you weren't being honest with her abt that....

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I'm not getting why he deleted you....BUT I have to ask--did you tell her to leave him be because saying that was the best thing for her--or you?


I don't feel you were the best to give her advice in this situation....maybe you said exactly what a friend should? but clearly you had your own agenda and you weren't being honest with her abt that....


I said nothing about me in this situation. If a guy wants a girl, he will go after her. If he wants me, he'll pursue me. If he wants her, he'll pursue her. Simple as that. There is no need for me to talk about myself. And I told her trying to be a friend, yes.


I have told other girls the same thing in the past - if a man doesn't see them that way, move on. Some of them took my words of advice gracefully. Others did not. However, I have never had any react as hateful as she did.



EDIT: And I didn't tel her to leave him. I told her to understand that they are just friends, and to try seeing that there is just a friendship there.

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I hear you--but in this case you liked him....even if she listened to you (which she should have) how do you think it would have panned out when she found out you were dating him? Do you think she would have thanked you for telling her she was wasting her time--or have been even more mad at you cos she'd think you told her that just so you could have him....


If it were me I would have told her I wasn't the one to advise her cos I liked him myself--so she should seek impartial advice elsewhere....

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That's probably the best thing. I should have. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't really have any friends - and I was her only female friend.


I was just thinking about some things: a few days ago she was telling me that I would be good for him, and that he and I should date and whatnot, because we were both her friends and she wanted to see both of us happy.


Being the skeptical person that I am, I now have the mindset that I was set up. Maybe the two of them are such good friends, that they use this little, "I'm in love, but he doesn't love me back" routine on every new girl that comes into the picture, just to eventually wing them out... hmmm..

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I mean, they are friends. He didn't delete her. They have been friends for a year, and she continues to stick around with him with the hopes that he will change his mind about them becoming an item, supposedly. I don't see their friendship dying out, which is fine. I'm just wondering if I was set up, haha.

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If you were set up--then rest assured they deserve each other and neither are worth you time and effort!


sounds to me they may have talked--she could have said she was miffed at you & he told her he was gonna take you out....now they may have a common enemy!?...just a guess

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I'm gonna stick with being set up.


I sent him a text saying, "wow, kind of lame we can't even try to be friends."


He replied back, "I really wanted to give you a chance, but I can't be friends with somebody who is a backstabber. I could never trust you."


So yeah, essentially I was set up. He was trying to see if I would agree to going out with him, and when I did... he fled the scene. All good though.

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Either that or he's angry for you telling her to stop chasing a man who has no interest in her--thinking you were doing them both a favor--when he may have been reveling in the attention from her--which makes him very immature!


he's the backstabber IMO!


you're better off!


WOW you got yourself caught in the middle of two weirdo's it seems!

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