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My mom is Brigid, the Irish spelling, so I always want to spell your name like hers!


I love that way. Or Brigit. One of the reasons I can't wait to take L's name is my maiden - as you know Hers - is 4 letters, his is 7, my first name is 9. Evens out, lol

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We argued over names a lot, especially girl names. DH is VERY simple when it comes to names, and while I definitely didn't want to join the "Kyzher" group, I wanted something different. I wanted Mark because it was a family name, but if we have a girl he likes Ava Mae, which I do like, but I am stuck on Farrah Joy. So we will see in the future. I personally vote for the person who carried the child for 9 months and goes through the trauma of birth gets to pick ;-)

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We argued over names a lot, especially girl names. DH is VERY simple when it comes to names, and while I definitely didn't want to join the "Kyzher" group, I wanted something different. I wanted Mark because it was a family name, but if we have a girl he likes Ava Mae, which I do like, but I am stuck on Farrah Joy. So we will see in the future. I personally vote for the person who carried the child for 9 months and goes through the trauma of birth gets to pick ;-)


We have 3 names picked out for each sex - we want 4. I picked the first girl, L got the second, and I Got the 3rd. He got the first boy and actually, I got the last two, lol. But we picked all the names out in on evening, no lie. They are all pretty common to. Kari (pronounced like Carrie), Matt, Zack, Kayleigh, Kimberly, and Nick.

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I like Ava, but it's becoming extremely popular (like the girl equivalent of Aiden). You don't hear of a Farrah anymore!! I vote that one.


Jared and I, if we do by some weird circumstance change our minds on kids, like old-fashioned names. I like Charlotte, Suzanne, Amelia, Cecile. I like Charlotte Suzanne C___, or Suzanne Amelia C___. For a boy, I want Finn Tutuola C___ (Law and Order SVU FTW!!!) or Elliot Patrick ___ (he likes the latter and loves Finn even more, but doesn't want the middle name...it's after Ice T's character on the show, and Elliot from the other character)

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4, wow! I'm not sure I could be pregnant 4 times!!


I definitely want 2, I've toyed with 3, but if I did have 3, I think the 3rd would be a long way away.


Twins run in my family so I'm hoping we can knock 2 in 1. Not the first time, God, but maybe the 2nd pregnancy we can knock 2 out, lol. We want a big family though. We will settle for 3 but I want more than 2. I"m the oldest of 3 so I like 3. We are hoping to do them about 2 years apart since L doesn't want to have any after he's 40 which will make me 36 and while women every day after kids after that age, the risks do increase.

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I like Ava, but it's becoming extremely popular (like the girl equivalent of Aiden). You don't hear of a Farrah anymore!! I vote that one.


Jared and I, if we do by some weird circumstance change our minds on kids, like old-fashioned names. I like Charlotte, Suzanne, Amelia, Cecile. I like Charlotte Suzanne C___, or Suzanne Amelia C___. For a boy, I want Finn Tutuola C___ (Law and Order SVU FTW!!!) or Elliot Patrick ___ (he likes the latter and loves Finn even more, but doesn't want the middle name...it's after Ice T's character on the show, and Elliot from the other character)


I love a lot of those names. I LOVE, LOVE Finn. I also love Patrick, and I'd consider that for another boy. I love Charlotte, Amelia, and Cecile.


I do think Ava is becoming extremely popular, and Farrah has a nice ring to it. Either Farrah Joy or Farrah Marie. But, I have a 6th sense that says no matter how much I want a girl, I'll probably have two boys.

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Twins run in my family so I'm hoping we can knock 2 in 1. Not the first time, God, but maybe the 2nd pregnancy we can knock 2 out, lol. We want a big family though. We will settle for 3 but I want more than 2. I"m the oldest of 3 so I like 3. We are hoping to do them about 2 years apart since L doesn't want to have any after he's 40 which will make me 36 and while women every day after kids after that age, the risks do increase.


I can understand that, it's all a matter of preference. I was 25 when I got pregnant, 26 when he was born, I feel like it was a good age for me. I got pregnant accidentally. So I wonder what it will be like to 'try' to get pregnant, since that will be what I do next time. I have literally 7 pregnant (well one just had a baby) friends all of which tried to have a baby, and more than half got pregnant almost immediately. A few of them charted and peed on the ovulation sticks. The longest tried for 6 months, which I did not think was too bad. I just hope I don't get obsessed, because I TOTALLY see myself falling into that.

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Personally, I thank you for picking a "normal" name LOL


Hahah, you sound like my husband! He can find something "wrong" or a way to make fun of ANY name! He's like, "Our child is not a trend, we don't need a 'trendy' name, trends end, and the kid is stuck with it!"

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I can understand that, it's all a matter of preference. I was 25 when I got pregnant, 26 when he was born, I feel like it was a good age for me. I got pregnant accidentally. So I wonder what it will be like to 'try' to get pregnant, since that will be what I do next time. I have literally 7 pregnant (well one just had a baby) friends all of which tried to have a baby, and more than half got pregnant almost immediately. A few of them charted and peed on the ovulation sticks. The longest tried for 6 months, which I did not think was too bad. I just hope I don't get obsessed, because I TOTALLY see myself falling into that.


And they say stress makes it harder to concieve. I had been on BC since I was 15 so I know coming off that is going to be what probably takes us a while. But we are decided a year and a few months after I get a job we will start so about 3-4 months before that I'll start getting ready - taking folic acid, getting check ups at doctors - and what not. Hopefully we don't have to do the whole counting the ovulation days but it is my biggist fear of not being able to get pregnant.

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One name my sister and her husband almost settled on was Braxton for my nephew. God damn, I hate that stupid name. Hate it.


I'm so glad they didn't pick that! They went with Luke.


Did you guys get pregnant before or after you got engaged?

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One name my sister and her husband almost settled on was Braxton for my nephew. God damn, I hate that stupid name. Hate it.


I'm so glad they didn't pick that! They went with Luke.


Did you guys get pregnant before or after you got engaged?


I just looked for a 'like' button for this post.

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I had that fear, too. I had been on BC for MANY years as well. I switched to the nuvaring and I was off of it for a week and a half when I got pregnant. It was a shock.


I basically 'played with fire' because I had been told when I was a teenager I had that polycystic syndrome (no testing done, mind you, apparently I had a doctor who just 'knew everything') so I assumed I'd struggle with pregnancy, so if I missed my BC, no big deal!


If you have regular periods, it's a good sign of your fertility, so I would not worry. I will say those ovulation sticks apparently work wonders (since I had no clue when I am ovulating, they tell you apparently), I have had 3 friends use them and be pregnant within the first or second month. All of them were on BC for many years and one is 37 years old.

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If you have regular periods, it's a good sign of your fertility, so I would not worry. I will say those ovulation sticks apparently work wonders (since I had no clue when I am ovulating, they tell you apparently), I have had 3 friends use them and be pregnant within the first or second month. All of them were on BC for many years and one is 37 years old.


Yeah, that's one thing I have going for me. Had a period every single month since I was 10 - unless I made myself skip it for an event.

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I had no idea that twins run in your family. Very cool. Twins do not run in either of my bf or my family and yet somehow I ended up pregnant with them lol. Very odd, and we both are still trying to figure out how that it happened.


I was just like you, wanting a big family and all. I remember saying I wanted 4 kids.


Boy did things change once I got pregnant. The first trimester was horrible. Second has been fine. But After going through the experience, I am wondering if I could ever do this again. LOL. I don't think I could actually go through 4 pregnancies. Gawd pregnancy causes so much havoc on the body, and causes so many changes.


My bf would like me to have a boy down the road, since we are having two girls, but I told him that we will have to see. I honestly am starting to think that I may just stop at these two lol!

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Yep. My grandma had 8 kids, 2 sets of twins. So she went through six pregnancies. It skips in my family so my dad didn't have twins but I and my brother will.


My mind very well could change because you never know until you get there but I'm optimistic, ha. It's still 2 1/2 years away though.

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Love the story.


I might have to have a C-section depending on how the rest of the pregnancy goes, so this gave me hope.


Recovery wasn't bad either?


Nope, I had no issues. My scar is tiny, let's just say a stretch mark looks about 100x worse. You can't even notice it. I didn't need any staples, I just had dissolvable stitches, and steri strips. I'd say the worst part was not being able to shower right after (because you're still hooked up to the IV's).


Like I said, I was home in less than 48 hours just on oral pain meds, and I was up and walking around, showering when I got home. I was able to go out shopping literally 2 days later. The pain was not bad at all, the only thing that sucks is the exhaustion. But, let's face it, you're exhausted whether you have a natural or a c-section because you're a new mom. You might be slightly more tired because you're healing from surgery, but I really do think it's probably pretty comparable to a natural birth. If you have help with the babies right after birth you'll be fine, because you can at least get a little rest.

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Boy did things change once I got pregnant. The first trimester was horrible. Second has been fine. But After going through the experience, I am wondering if I could ever do this again. LOL. I don't think I could actually go through 4 pregnancies. Gawd pregnancy causes so much havoc on the body, and causes so many changes.



I feel you on that!! Pregnancy is a lot harder than the body than I had imagined. All you ever hear is about "the beautiful joy of pregnancy" but, you forget the hard stuff! I had no idea my body could stretch that much! I am so happy to sleep on my belly again. It's all worth it, though!


They do say you 'forget' the hard parts, because if you didn't, you'd never get pregnant again hahah. I'm only 4 weeks postpartum, so believe me, I have not forgotten it!!


I love twins, they are so freaking cute, but they are a lot of work. But again, totally worth it!

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I feel you on that!! Pregnancy is a lot harder than the body than I had imagined. All you ever hear is about "the beautiful joy of pregnancy" but, you forget the hard stuff! I had no idea my body could stretch that much! I am so happy to sleep on my belly again. It's all worth it, though!


They do say you 'forget' the hard parts, because if you didn't, you'd never get pregnant again hahah. I'm only 4 weeks postpartum, so believe me, I have not forgotten it!!


I love twins, they are so freaking cute, but they are a lot of work. But again, totally worth it!


Haha I know. Lol. It's nice when I feel the babies kicking or moving, but other than that the indigestion, stomach hurting, body stretching, cramping, MS, exhausting, overheating, etc, etc. I just don't know how I can go through this again. I really didn't expect pregnancy to be this way. But maybe once I have my daughters and hold them, my mind will change? lol.

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