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Poem:LOVE please read and reply thanks=)


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That four letter word has taken me to a place,

A place in life that I cannot just forget and erase.


It has taken me high and made me feel so low,

It has made me not be able to see what I already know.


It makes me feel good and feel like an angel on earth,

It has made me feel that I need to show others there worth.


Sometimes I just want to run away and hide,

To think about if im happy and discover why I have cryed.


Is all of this worth the pain in my heart,

I believe it is or I would not have loved you from the start.


I want to hold you to be close to you real soon,

I would like to sit under the stars and stare with you at the moon.


I just want to have what once was always there,

To know that no matter what you love me and you care.


I think about you allday and think about what we had,

I also think on the flip side of the many times I was mad.


But in the end of analyzing every single step,

I have loved you through it all the key to your heart I kept.


I just want you to open your eyes and see what is real,

I am standing right before you can we make a deal?


I am no longer worried about anything other then you and me,

Thinking about everything that has happened only helped me to see.


I truly do love you more then any words can say,

I truly want to be next to you each and everday.


I can picture myself with you from now until the end,

Even after all of this my broken heart will mend.


So come over here and take my hand lets go far away,

Let's just forget all of the sadness and pain today.


Kiss my lips and rub my face and look into my eyes,

Realize that I am hurting and that I try to hide my cries.


But do know that no matter what that I am here for you,

Just once think about us and open up your eyes and love me back to.


tell me what you think? By me

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Holy cow!!! That poem rocked Ang3l!!!!



I especially liked the part about:


Is all of this worth the pain in my heart,

I believe it is or I would not have loved you from the start.


I want to hold you to be close to you real soon,

I would like to sit under the stars and stare with you at the moon.



Hubman 8)

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