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What book(s) have you read more than 5 times?


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I love re-reading books. Often, the first time I read a book, I'm in such a hurry to find out what happens that I often skip reading parts of the book.


The next time I read it, I savour the writing of it more.


One of my favourites is "Bridge of Birds" by Barry Hughart. Its a wonderful tale set in ancient China; an intricate puzzle where the ends all tie together in the end. It's magical, yet earthy and sometimes hilarious. I cry every-time at the finish, even though I know how it ends. I just love the part where the "most beautiful girl in the world" according to the gods, ends up being a very ordinary looking girl. It was her spirit that was beautiful. And I love how the book describes the power of love in all it's forms.

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Now I've started reading the Pern series by Anne McCaffrey again. I never know wether to start from the chronological order of the events in the series; which would mean I have to start reading "Dragonsdawn"; or wether I should start with the book that was first written which would be "Dragonflight". I'm not taking into account "The P.E.R.N. survey",which is a short story.


All this started when I found out that, this time, there is definitely going to be a movie about Pern.


We'll see.


ps. And yes, I have read them at least five times. A bit pathetic I know, but a familiar book is like a good friend.

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Hmm,.... I've just realized I've been misspelling "whether" in all my posts. I'm sorry but I'm not personally acquainted with any castrated rams; at least not recently that is

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Only book I have read more than twice was Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (his other books are crap though, don't read them!) and Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, because every time I read that book there is something new (the logic in Wonderland is mind-bogglingly fun, even more now that I took classes in Logic.) Crime and Punishment is my latest favorite though and it may soon join the others in a year or two!

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Now I've started reading the Pern series by Anne McCaffrey again. I never know wether to start from the chronological order of the events in the series; which would mean I have to start reading "Dragonsdawn"; or wether I should start with the book that was first written which would be "Dragonflight". I'm not taking into account "The P.E.R.N. survey",which is a short story.


All this started when I found out that, this time, there is definitely going to be a movie about Pern.


We'll see.


ps. And yes, I have read them at least five times. A bit pathetic I know, but a familiar book is like a good friend.


Oh, the Pern series! Been ages since I've read those. I've always wanted to go back and read those again. Not sure I've read anything, outside of Philosophy, more than a couple of times. I always seem to go back to '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea'. It's interesting to see how my perception of the book has changed since I read it first as a kid.

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Oh, the Pern series! Been ages since I've read those. I've always wanted to go back and read those again. Not sure I've read anything, outside of Philosophy, more than a couple of times. I always seem to go back to '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea'. It's interesting to see how my perception of the book has changed since I read it first as a kid.


This is true of any book that you read at different ages. Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" was on the book list for my English Literature class when I was sixteen. At the time, I looked on reading it as "boring, boring school work!"


After watching the TV mini series starring Colin Firth, I decided to reread it. I loved it so much I promptly bought and read Austen's other works. They now form part of my collection of well-loved, reread books!

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Animal Farm, no idea why, but if I pick it, up I read it. I don't dust that shelf too often, I'm trying to get thru a long list of books and I'm so slow.


The Mummy, by Anne Rice, I love it the texture of the book, I can feel the sand and heat. I feel a little ashamed to admit to liking it because it reads more like a romance than my usual socio/political commentary reading.

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I've certainly read "The Hobbit" far more than 5 times, and possibly "The Lord of the Rings", though I've read some parts far more. Also: "Ringworld" (Niven), "Jhereg" (Brust), "Soul Man" (Pratchett)... I've done a bunch of rereading, actually, in addition to my voracious devouring of "new" books

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I know what you mean about reading a good book and skipping through it because it's so delicious and you're anxious to see what happens next. You do tend to savour it the next time round. Nice to know I'm not the only one that does that! I've re-read a lot of books, mainly "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini and "The Sigma Protocol" by Robert Ludlum.

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"The Pursuit of Love" and "Love in a Cold Climate" by Nancy Mitford. A witty social comment on the British upper class between the World Wars


Made even more interesting by the fact that the books are semi-autobiographical. The lives of the Mitford sisters are stranger than fiction; one was Hitler's girlfriend who tried to commit suicide; another was the wife of British fascist Oswald Mosley; and yet another was an ardent socialist!

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I've probably read Bryce Courtnay's "The Power of One" five times beginning in lower high school. Every few years I pick it up again and read it. I love it because of the interesting (and dark) part of South Africa's history it is set in. I also like how the main character's narrative matures and changes as he becomes older.

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I've probably read Bryce Courtnay's "The Power of One" five times beginning in lower high school. Every few years I pick it up again and read it. I love it because of the interesting (and dark) part of South Africa's history it is set in. I also like how the main character's narrative matures and changes as he becomes older.


I've always been meaning to read this.......

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Animal Farm, no idea why, but if I pick it, up I read it.


I'm the same way. Hell that's how I ended up reading in the first place. Saw it in the library, saw how easy of a read it was (and how wonderfully short!) and just got hooked. I read it in preparation for my 11th grade English class (I was in 9th, such a geek...) but we never got to it before I graduated.

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The Giver, The Alchemist, and Night are books I keep re-reading. I just love the world The Giver has painted. And then The Alchemist are a good book for motivation. Every time I lost my will to find my path in life; I go revisit the Shepherd who had a dream. Night is just awesome, remind me how cruel humanity can be, and how we should help each other.

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1984, Jude the Obscure, Night, the Aeneid, De Rerum Natura, and anything by Richard Dawkins.


I think my most re-read "book" is actually a play, Long Day's Journey into Night. That play has haunted me ever since I read it years ago. I re-read it and the effect still hasn't come off. It is very true to my family life. It terrifies me, and that's why I keep reading it.

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Oh geez...


The entire Belgariad Series (fantasy series)

The entire Drizzt Do'Urden Series (again, fantasy series)

Nora Roberts Tears of the Moon, Jewels of the Sun, and Heart of the Sea (romance novels)


I Hate to say it but I have not read Lord of the Rings more than five times. It takes me fooorreeevveerr to get through those books for some reason...

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