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When to ask her out


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I met this girl i really like, and her friends tell me that she likes me as well. Whenever were together i always have my arm around her, or im always hugging her, and she hugs me back etc... Ive kissed her on the cheek a couple of times, and shes kissed me too, but i havnt really got up the courage to kiss her on the lips yet


I really want to ask her out, but should i kiss her on the lips first? or wait until right after or what? Also there was another guy she kinda had something goin on with, but he told her that he just wanted to be friends(this was before i even met her), and now he suddenly wants her again, after i met her and we started "talking". And there is also this other guy, who is completely obsessed with her, and calls her probably more than i do!


I talked to her friend about it, and she said that i should probably wait for her to get things worked out with the first guy, that she used to like him. We go to different schools, but she lives like only 3-4 miles away, so i could drive there like any time. I wanted to ask her out before school started, and i dunno if that prob she has could be worked out before then (starts in like 10 days)

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I'm not sure... I think it kind of depends on how good you know each other. But just to be sure, I think it'd be better to wait until you ask her out for a real kiss. If you really want to, and you think she actually likes you, I guess you could ask her out ASAP... I dunno. Good luck, man.

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Ok, i talked to one of her other friends (who she hangs out with all the time) and she sais that the girl does like me, and would most likely say yes, unless she wants to resolve her other problems first.


I dunno, should i just take the chance, and go for it, or wait until i know its safe to ask her out.

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well, if shes having other problems at the moment, make sure she knows that you'll be there for her if she ever has any problems, always listen what she has to say, and try to help her out. Then you can use that to your advantage when shes done resolving her problems and your ready to ask her out. But wait until her problems are solved because she might not be in the situation to have to worry about a relationship. Hope this helped a little and Good luck.

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hello just what i think do what feels rigth . there's no rigth way or wronge way of doing things. so do what feels rigth at the time yhea i know there's a lot of what ifs but you'll never get there until you put all of that aside and do what feels rigth how will you know well theres never a time you will you have to make it happen . hope this brings you luck


hopfully hardcore

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She likes you so it would definetly be okay to ask her out anytime you want, but also keep in mind that she has a few things you take care of, so I would wait, and then at the proper time to ask her out. Yet you are the judge of the proper time so it is your call...anyway good luck!

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