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i just feel so tired of tring what more can i say i have a pome for you . want to here. rose's are red and the sky is blue like me and you long have i waited for the one but no one has ever come . maybe it's me maybe it's you who care's im throw . here i sit rigthing this note man i feel there is no hope . as i puse for a moment i sit here thinking of why i shouldn't . but i don't see the tommrow i was promised only the day i should. so here i go pick up the gun tellingmyself it will be alot of fun . then i bring it in to posiain . and take aim . kaboom the end theres no spell check on here

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hey, i wouldnt worry about the spelling, its not my strong point either.


i liked your poem, i think maybe because you seemed to have writ it how you would have said it, like you didnt change it to make it perfect but made it real. thats how i took it anyway,its great in my eyes.


black magic

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i thank you both for being there given time i will see the ligth. but till then it's this forever nigth. for all hope is not lost. behold a voice from the dark has brougth me a ligth. to shine brigth in to this void i feel

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