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how do you know if she cares for you

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well i met this girl at a dance for my chruch. and my first impression of her was just wow 8) . i got her phone number and everything was right. we talked and decided because of the situation i was in we would just be friends. so we went on a couple dates i took her to the movies and brought her a dozen roses i mean i drove to her place just ot see her and she lives about an hour and half away from me. but just recently some of my friends and i went to one of her volleyball games to watch her play once the game was over it seemed to me as if she was paying attention to my friends more than me. maybe i was being to over zelous but my friend said he noticed it as well. i care about her more than words can say she is so awesome and i just want to know should i tell her how i feel and risk her feelings being different or just keep it in and hope for the best any advie on this subject will be helpful thank you my aol buddy name is byuboy2002 im me if im on

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  • 2 weeks later...

now, im a girl myself, and i honestly think... she might just be trying to get close to your friends to make you feel comfertable, you never know man! my screen name is jess000006 ill talk to you more on this subject there, but you just cant accuse her because of one thing that happened. chill with her more, get close to her. tell her shes a great BEAUTIFUL friend, give her time, dont rush anything, no matter how much you want to... trust me... i know!

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  • 3 months later...

First of all why did you tell her that you wanted to be friends and then give her a dozen roses on the first date? When you tell a person that you want to be friends and then bring her around other guys who may be cuter or smoother than you...you are not really playing the game properly...you are making up your own rules...and she doesn't get that you really like her because you started out by saying lets just be friends! Do you understand that you lied? Do you respect people who lie to you? Remember girls play by another set of rules...you can't just say, "My Bad!" Or what ever you normally say when you are caught breaking the rules! You set her up with a false expectation...You need to come up with some date that shows you feel more stongly about her before you get miffed about her looking at your friends! Be reasonable, please!

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