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a question about whether or not she liked me


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well this is really a past thing. its been a few months ago. anyways here it is...


well there was this girl that im sure a few of you might remember in some of my last posts. we were best friends and told each other everything and flirted alot and everything. whenever she was down and crying i would comfort her and hold her and console her and whatnot. she felt really comfortable in my arms (she fell asleep while i was holdin her a few times). she might've just trusted me a lot since i was her best friend. but see the thing is she asked me if i liked anybody in our class and i told her that i liked her and then i reciprocated the question back to her and she said that she wasnt sure because of all the things that were goin on in her life at that point in time. she used to love to have me sing to her and stuff because it would comfort her and help relieve stress and make her feel like everything was ok...


I know right now you guys are thinkin H*LL YES SHE LIKED YOU but the real kicker is that she is from another country and she left this boyfriend back there (they're not goin out anymore). and she said that he treated her better than anyone ever has and all of that. (which i dont understand how you could possibly treat anyone better than i treated her). and anyways i think she kinda felt reserved for him and everything. and the other thing is that i reminded her of him and stuff with the way i acted and treated her but he is a lot more physically attractive than me and also shares her culture and religion and i dont even though my ancestors came from right around where her home country was.


I guess my question is do you think she actually liked me for being me or do you think that she just liked me because i reminded her of home and her ex bf that she loves. (notice how that is not past tense).


like i said this was a few months ago so please dont reply saying something like "I think you should just go and ask her out" or anything like that. just a simple yes or no and an explanation of why you think that would be nice.



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It does sound from your post that I believe you remind of her of her old boyfriend. It seems that it is hard for her to forget him and that I am sure she might have feelings for you too. Anyway I hope the few months that have passed since that event are looking better and I wish you the best of luck.

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Well, she definatley liked you, either way


I feel bad saying this, but I think that it was that you reminded her of home and her ex bf. I think that because you say that you reminded her of him and stuff with the way you acted and treated her. I know that if I left to a different country, I know i'd feel very attached to people who reminded me of people i'd left behind there, things that reminded me of it -- however, I could be wrong! She's the only one that knows for sure.

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hey good news for me here. i saw her today when i was getting my football pads (YES FOOTBALL IS STARTING BABY, its my favorite sport). anyways i saw her while she was in dance practice and in the middle of the dance she just stopped to wave and yell out my name. maybe she misses home more now then usual. i dunno but girls are definitely complicated and i dont think i will ever understand them. hopefully tho this one will give me a chance. (ive felt something for her since i met her and its never stopped)


just thought id give you a rather exciting and unexpected update!

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