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Meeting someone for the first time very soon - want advice plz!


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I'm meeting this guy that I met online over a year ago. It was through a game so there never was any intention of meeting people to date. At the time he lived miles away and had a gf, I wasn't ready for a relationship and I'm not sure I am even now. Anyway a few months back he moved back down and I logged on one day and we got chatting. He suggested we meet up. I agreed but asked for two weeks so I could think over everything. In the last two weeks I've realised that personality wise we are well suited, we are both fiercely independent and neither of us want a controlling or jealous partner (great news!). It's actualy almost too good to be true. He looks fantastic and I'm not exactly stressing over looks its just a nice bonus Thing is this last year I was really depressed and put on over 2stone I'm 5'6 at 12stone atm basically and I started running again in jan (b4 he and i got chatting again) and as a result I reckon he thinks I've got some fantastic running physique. I keep telling him otherwise he just wont believe it. I'm almost 100% certain he's going to be shocked when we meet and totally put off. The past is the past for a reason but some things make you think - all he's exes were petite tiny little things. That is just not me and I feel so physically sick with worry that I'm thinking of cancelling our date in two days.....

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It sounds like you've been as honest as you can be about your appearance. If he's exclusively interested in petite women, he would probably have backed off as soon as you mentioned the fact that you're a little more "wobbly" than you used to be. He's seen you on camera, you've told him the truth, and he still wants to meet you. I say go and see him with as much confidence as you can muster. Wear the cutest, most flattering outfit you own, and work what you've got Confidence will come accross as way more attractive than just a tiny figure alone.


And about your doubts regarding your relationship with him in general, I say try not to have any expectations. I know that's near impossible, but just give it a shot. If you go into it thinking that it's going to turn out a certain way, then you're more likely to be disappointed. Just think of it as going to meet a person that you think you're genuinely interested in meeting, and leave it at that. And of course, BE SAFE!!

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