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It may hit the fan soon...


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My girl of only three months has been acting way suspicious for quite some time now. She has a bunch of male friends and still hangs out with and even sleeps over at her ex's house. Now, usually I'd flip and dump the woman, but she says it's not like that, and when I confront her about it, she cries and says I'm attacking her and accusing her of things. She also comes to me with problems she has with her male friends flipping out on her because they want to get with her but she doesn't. I know it sounds open and shut, but I need any advice possible. Thanks in advance.

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Now, usually I'd flip and dump the woman, but she says it's not like that, and when I confront her about it, she cries and says I'm attacking her and accusing her of things.


You're falling for this, and it seems to be working for her.


Not to sound harsh, but why should she change her ways, while you're willing to settle for crumbs?

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Whatever others might say, sleeping at an ex's house (I assume that they are the only two people in the house) is not justifiable when she has a new boyfriend (YOU).. Either evaluate the circumstances which makes her sleep at her ex's house and try to understand her numerous male friendships or talk to her about your issues and tell her how uncomfortable you feel with all these.. She needs to understand whats going on in your mind as well, in order for this to work..

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I'm confused. Why is she maintaining close relationships with male friends who try to get with her and in turn yell at her for not allowing her to be taken advantage of while in a relationship? These kind of people should not be her friends even if she was single let alone in a relationship. Tell her to either stop seeing this crowd or you. Her pick.

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Heres the thing. Im beginning to think that she really is that oblivious to what she does. I mean, she doesn't have too many friends and she is kind of her own person. The things she does definitely seem like somethings going on, but Im one of those people that don't want to accuse you of something your not doing. She comes off as very genuine with me, so either this girl is just completely ditzy on what she does, or she's a pretty good lier.

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I don't know anyone in their right mind that would let his/her significant others sleep over at their ex's. You really need to see how disrespectful that is. There's no good ending to this story. You're giving way too much freedom and allowing her to act the way she wants.

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Agree with the others. They are ex's for a reason and should stay that way. For the record, I have never had the desire to sleep at an ex's house, that just seems really bizarre and dishonest to me.


the thought of doing that makes me just ill..

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If my fiance did this he might not want to come home the next night, lol, but seriously this isn't acceptable behavior whatsoever. There should be no situation where she feels forced to stay at an ex's house, there is always someone to call to go get her. I definitely think you are giving her too much free reign.

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