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What is wrong with me??


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Hey guys- I'm a 20yr old female and I've definitely hit a brick wall. I could use any and all help or advice!! Let's start by saying I'm studying at Uni- in my second year of business. I did a year, dropped it second semester and worked, changed Unis and degrees the next year, dropped my new degree and switched back to business again. I don't know what I want to do with my life, I have no direction or motivation. I enjoy the majors im doing at the moment when I'm in the moment but I find it impossible to study or keep myself interested.. I just recently dropped another 2 subjects because I changed my mind again. My problem is that I change my mind constantly, Uni is just an example.


I get bored really easily, I've done every sport and hobby under the sun but lose interest after a short while. Same with jobs and boyfriends- after a month id find an arbitrary reason to quit or break up. Ive tried to change things lately - my latest job has lasted 7 months and my boyfriend 2 and I'm happy with both but this is exceptionally rare for me.


I've decided to stick with my degree but my question is- how do I stick with anything in all the other areas of my life?? Why am I like this and what can I do to change it?? I don't want to do the same thing with jobs after I graduate and I want to take up a hobby/sport I can stick with and improve at. Any help would be appreciated!! Thank you xx

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You're still growing up and there isn't anything wrong with that. The main thing is that you are moving forward with your studies, whatever the "flavor of the month" may be. You shouldn't beat yourself up about this, things will fall into place as the years go by.....enjoy your youth!!

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