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Something a little different to my usual


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hey everyone, this is pretty much a freestule and the list could go on, but this is exactly how i feel about my boyfriend but in short hand.





did u no...

every time you touch me

every time you smile

every time you run your fingers through my hair

or reach for the dile

every time you take me - for one of those walks

every time we get caught up, in one of our personal talks

every time you make me laugh

every time you cry

every time you tell me that im only ''your'' special guy

every time you wake up and i see you in my arms

every time u impress me with your natural charms

every time you moonwalk

every time you sing

every time you do something that make my heart ring

every time you play a song

play it just for me,

every time you do something that allows me to see

every time you open up

every time you back away

every time we get caught up...usually in the rain

every time you knock at the door

every time i see no flaw

everything about you makes me realise what this loves for..

every time you talk to me about what lies ahead

every time your body speaks yet nothings been said

every time you tell me what will be

is every time i see something more between you and me

this list could continue

but what is to gain?


love is not spoken through words but everything you do

this poems now written as a note from me to you


.... i love you


i dont know guys, something that kind of scares me through realisation but makes me smile with hope, i hope some others know the feeling



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Hey Kel,


Dave is one lucky man. I know I would be flattered by your poetry if it were written for me. It has a nice flow to it and everyone can see that your crazy about this man!!!


Way to go you lucky devil!!!


Keep up the great poetry my dear!


Hubman 8)

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Thanks hubman, id like to say i hope he knows that hes lucky but he always says he has so i guess i have to trust him on this one


Seriously though, its like when he says that im now a part of his heart i actually think that he is exactly that to me, i usually try to deny my feelings but why try to deny something thats just perfect for me?


Thanks again.



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