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need help!!!!!:(


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hi everyone .i have fell for the guy i m datin(i fall very easily).But he never tells me how he feels about me.I bearliy ever see him but i care so much about him but for the last few days i have been thinkin about dumpin him but i don't want to.It's like i do but don't and i don't wanna do it but if i have i will but i m so comfussed .what to do waht to do??????can anyone what there help lil old me???? am i alone here???? i m so comfussed and if u do reply thanks so much!!!!!

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One thing you will learn as you continue to date is that each guy you are with will feel like "the one" when you are young. I am not trying to make you feel talked down to it is just the truth. You are learning about yourself and what your needs are and you are learning through trial and error how to relate to members of the opposite sex.


One thing you may have learned in this situation is that in order for you to be happy in a relationship you need a boyfriend who wants to spend a lot of time with you. Some people aren't like this. If he isn't meeting your needs then you should be 100% honest with him and if it doesn't change leave.


It is hard because young love cuts so deep. You don't think you will ever be on the other side of the hurt but at 28 years old I can assure you it will get better.


Hang in there and always be true to yourself.

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Hi there - I feel for you - I have been there. And what I have learned is that the guy who leaves you feeling confused will always leave you feeling confused. Even if he satisfies your emotional need today, tomorrow he may leave you confused again. Confusion is a good sign that he is not being honest - consistency is a good sign. If you feel good about it and then bad about it... it probably won't change. If you remain in this relationship the roller coaster of emotions will most likely continue. A good match leaves you feeling peaceful. If you have a hard time letting go, just start dating other men. You learn about yourself when you date around (not sleeping around). The peacefullness will come when it is right. He's not the only fish in the sea - go fishing - have fun!

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