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Miss "Color Me Happy"


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Miss "Color Me Happy" lass

I know you know her too

Life is a palette of mixed colors

She's the canvas for me and you


Plastered smile on the face

It may smear but will not die

Expelling gleeful ambiance

Straight from her eyes to mine


No matter what is going on

Abhorring life or just a day

She waves her magic wand

And dismisses all unneeded pain


She is the fairy tale mother

With eyes that glisten in the night

The goddess of the calming touch

Making even death seem alright


Miss "Color Me Happy" lass

Dwells in the strangest lairs

In the line at the post office

Or the barber who does your hair


You may see her on the highway

Or waltzing slowly along the beach

She might be living in your home

Waiting to love, heal and teach


Be careful you don't miss her

Sometimes her grace is slight and slim

Don't be so grumpy you don't see

Or you'll remain amongst the grim

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