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new realtionship issues


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hi all, im in a new relationship of about 10 weeks. We work in the same company which is how we got together. We seem to be having a few issues which i need some help on overcoming before things are ruined!

From past relationships i have become wary at getting too close too soon to someone and with this guy i really like him and get so excited at seeing him and id almost go as far as saying im on the verge of being in love with him which is the scary part! I think because of this ive come accross like im not bothered and he appears to be doing the same tihng. For example we go through phases of not really contacting each other as much, e.g. he could go until lunchtime without texting to saying morning when we are in work or other times it could be 6pm! I dont always see him in work so its not like we automatically see each every day.

Can anyone help me on what to do in this situation? I feel like if it continues we will just break up. Thanks

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If you're not in contact because of game playing that's an issue -if it's just the normal "I think you're great and I also have my own life/work/friends/stuff" then that sounds normal. Why do you have to be in contact every single day especially this early on - unless there of course is a reason - one of you has a question or you're planning something together.

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I don't get the game playing. Why not communicate with him about his preferred contact? If you think he's backing off because you're backing off, but yet you both want to talk to each other, then its seems rather silly, as you could be enjoying yourselves alot more than playing the 'stay away' game.


Opne the lines of communication up and see where he stands.

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Guess I'm all for communicating about things. Always worked well for my relationship and set the precedence for things for the rest of the relationship.


I think relationship talk can quickly become boring and stifle the growth of a relationship. I am all for being open about concerns but especially early on -choose your battles -instead of talking about "the relationship" build the relationship with fun/interesting activities, private jokes, shared laughter and talking about things in common or things you want to learn about that the other person enjoys/knows about but you do not.

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