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Your Lies


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Imagine me standing out in the streets

Arms in the air while I conjure a scream

Spinning in circles, like, "how can this be?"

Why did I let you see inside of me?


You said to depend, resistance I tried

Then I gave in, and began to confide

A blanket, my comfort, you were my life

I gave you my heart; you fed me your lies


Its fine, I'm not mad, just wish you were here

I hate that I loved you, and still hold you dear

I'm glad you left, can't you see my cheer?

Can't you see me drowning in my happy tears?


You played a sick game, but what was the point

To love me, hold me; to mend then destroy?

When you looked at me, did you see a toy?

Flip me around, heads or tails, like a coin


Are you satisfied now, you won, I'm gone

Isn't that what you were counting on

Leading me along like I was your dog

Then when you were done, dropping me off


Its fine, I'm not mad, just wish you were here

I hate that I loved you, and still hold you dear

I'm glad you left, can't you see my cheer?

Can't you see me drowning in my happy tears?


You left me after all of my walls were dropped

Just when I needed you, your love just stopped

Like a balloon, all my wishes were popped

And now my remains are waiting to be mopped


You left me cold, your reason, unknown

Like a leaf in the storm, I was just blown

Up and away, so you could be on your own

Or find someone else to love then disown


Its fine, I'm not mad, just wish you were here

I hate that I loved you, and still hold you dear

I'm glad you left, can't you see my cheer?

Can't you see me drowning in my happy tears?

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