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Angels...read and reply thanks


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Angels watch over us in everyway,

They are there at night and the day.


I sit in my room so silent and alone,

Angels are there even when noones home.


They are not seen but you know they are there,

You can feel there presense and know they care.


So if you have fear or tears in your eyes,

The angels will be there they hear your cries.


Always believe they are here to protect you,

The angels are here to help us for whatever we go through.


tell me whatcha think?

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This is a neat poem. I espeically liked this part:


"So if you have fear or tears in your eyes,

The angels will be there they hear your cries."


I like the whole poem, but thats definantly my favorite line. It helps you realize that you are never alone, even when you think you are.


Thanks for sharing, it's a good poem!

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