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A deadly dream poem


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A deadly dream


Self inflicted pain on a young girl's wrist

Hands clenched tightly into a bloody fist

Another fight with father another beaten teen

Her father's pain stays locked inside but still it is seen


On her wrists her arms and chest

For when it comes to pain she's best

Knifes and razors scissors to

Any thing sharp will have to do


The blades are cool against her skin

Letting out the pain within

Bleeding away to a dark blur

It was to late now no one could save her


Hearts are broken snapped in to

Yet she walks around like me and you

No signs of darkness no signs of hate

Those feelings sit inside and wait


The wait is over the day has come

For her and death to become one

The blade hits skin just one more time

Taking this young life of mine


I smile happy and cry a tear

For i have shed away my fears

These vision,oh how real they seem

But i awake sadly from my happy dream


Any comments are appreciated.



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Deep poem Meagan. You really did a good job in capturing the essense of pain. I truly wish you all the best in your life. I also hope that you don't resort to cutting again, because it will only leave permanant scars that will only be a reminder of your past. I know how your pain feels. Hang in there girl. You will pull though. I have faith in you. Take care. -Mahlina

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